Selected Print and Digital Reference Sources for South Asia
ASAN 202
Prepared by Monica Ghosh, South Asia Librarian
Encyclopaedia of India, 2008. ASIA REF: DS405.E539
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives, 1989. ASIA REF: DS334.9.C36
The Encyclopaedia Indica, 1986. ASIA REF: AE30.5.H56v.1- 25
Encyclopaedia Indica, 1981. ASIA REF: DS405.S52 v.1-2
Nepal Encyclopedia, 1994. ASIA REF: DS493.3.A25
The Encyclopaedia of Sikhism.1992. ASIA REF: BL2017.3.E63 v.1-3
Encyclopedia of World Cultures, 1991-1996. v. 3. South Asia. ASIA REF: GN307.E53 1991 (WIP)
Encyclopedia of India, 2006. ASIA REF: DS405.E556
Indian Press Index. ASIA: AI3.I75
Guide to Indian Periodical Literature. ASIA REF: AI19.I4 G9 (last 10 years)
Museums in India. ASIA REF: AM73.A2 B74
Museums of India, 1991. ASIA REF: AM73.A2 M87
Indian Directory of Environmental Organisations, 1997. ASIA REF: TD171.5.I4 V36
National Mass Media Directory, Nepal, 1998. ASIA REF: P 92.N4 N386
Indian Textile Annual and Directory. ASIA REF: TS1312.I49 (CVR)
Subject Dictionaries
A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy: Sanskrit Terms Defined in English, 1996. ASIA REF: B131.G67
The Religions of India: A Concise Guide to Nine Major Faiths, 2010. ASIA: BL2001.3.D35
Harper's Dictionary of Hinduism: Its Mythology, Folklore, Philosophy, Literature, and History, 1977. ASIA REF: BL1105.S79
A Popular Dictionary of Sikhism, 1990. ASIA REF: BL2018.C654
Historical Dictionary of Afghanistan, 1997. ASIA REF: DS356.A27
Historical Dictionary of Pakistan, 1999. ASIA REF: DS382.B87
Historical Dictionary of Bangladesh, 1996. ASIA REF: DS394.5.B39
A Classical Dictionary of India: Illustrative of the Mythology, Philosophy, Antiquities, Arts, Manners, Customs &c of the Hindus, 1971. ASIA REF: BL2001.2.G37
Historical Dictionary of India, 1996. ASIA REF: DS405.M27
Historical Dictionary of Sri Lanka, 1998. ASIA REF: DS489.5.S33
The Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary, 1963. ASIA REF: PK933.A55
Samsad English-Bengali Dictionary. 1982. ASIA REF: PK1687.B53
The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary, 1993. ASIA REF: PK1936.O93
Reference India. ASIA REF: CT1506.R4
Afghanistan, 1992. ASIA REF: DS351.5.J65
Pakistan, 1990. ASIA REF: DS376.9.T39
India, 1995. ASIA REF: DS407.D46
Bhutan, 1990. ASIA REF: DS485.B503 D64
Maldives, 1993. ASIA REF: DS486.5.M3 R49
Bibliographies (continued)
Sri Lanka, 1987. ASIA REF: DS489.S23
Nepal, 1990. ASIA REF: DS493.4.W44
South Asians in North America: Annotated and Selected Bibliography, 1988. ASIA REF: DS503.C35 no.14=
A Bibliography of South Asian Folklore, 1966
ASIA REF: Z5981.S63 K5
South Asian History, 1750-1950; Guide to Periodicals, Dissertations, and Newspapers, 1968.
ASIA REF: Z3185.C3
India: A Reference Annual. (Latest 2 yrs. in REF) ASIA: CALL#: DS405.I64. ASIA REF: 991020 (CD ROM)
Silveira’s India Book. ASIA REF: DS401.D59
Bangladesh, A Traveller's Guide, c1982. ASIA REF: DS393.3.Y46
India Travel Planner ASIA: CALL#: DS406.I53 (CVR)
Pakistan, 1990. ASIA REF: DS376.8.P32
The Real Guide, Nepal, 1992. ASIA REF: DS493.3.R4
Visit Nepal '98: ASIA REF: DS 493.3.V57
A Historical Atlas of South Asia, 1978. ASIA REF.f: CALL#: G2261.S1 H5
An Atlas and Survey of South Asian History, 1995. ASIA REF: G2261.S1 S3
Business Guide to India, 1996. ASIA REF: HG5732.B77
Doing Business in India. ASIA REF: HC431.D65
India. Parliament. House of the People. Who's Who. ASIA REF: JQ263.A44 (CVR*)
Universities Handbook: India.
ASIA REF: L961.I4 U55 (CVR*)
Semiotica Indica: Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Body-Language in Indian Art & Culture, 1994. ASIA REF:NX180.S46 S52 v.1-2
Encyclopaedia of Indian Writers, 1996-. ASIA REF: PK2908.S56 v1-2
Encyclopaedia of Indian Literature, 1987-1994. ASIA REF: PK2902.E53 v.1 - 6
An Encyclopedia of Indian Literature, 1982. ASIA REF: PK2903.G36
Encyclopaedia of Indian Cinema, 1999. ASIA REF: PN 1993.5.I8 R277
Directory of Indian Film-Makers and Films, 1994. ASIA REF: PN1998.2.N37
Traditional Medicine
Ayurvedic Drugs and Their Plant Sources, 1994. ASIA REF: RS164.S57
Book Trade
Indian Books in Print. ASIA: CALL#: Z3201.I665 (CVR)
Digital Resources
DSAL (Digital South Asia Library) -- digital/online access to reference sources (online dictionaries), images (photographs), books, historical statistics, indexes, and maps.
SAADA (South Asian American Digital Archive) -- Documents and provides access to history of South Asian-American community.
Journals (Highly select sample of periodicals)
Economic and Political Weekly
India Today
Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities
Pakistan Times --
Nepal's Online newspapers:
Times of India --
Bangladesh's online newspapers:
Sri Lanka's online newspapers:
Updated 10/10/2013