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Gender Identity and Sexual Identity in the Pacific and Hawai'i: Library Information

Information about gender identity and sexual identity in the Pacific island region, including Hawai'i. Provides suggested resources and search strategies.

Hawaiian & Pacific Collections Hours

Reading Room and Reference

Spring 2025 (1/13-5/16)

Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 1pm - 5pm
*Closed on holidays: 1/20, 2/17, 3/26, 4/18

Spring Break 2025 (3/17-3/21)

Monday-Friday: 10am - 2pm (tentative) 

Hawaiian & Pacific Collections

Hawaiian and Pacific Collection Reading Room

Some general notes:

  • The Hawaiian & Pacific Collections are "closed shelf" collections, meaning that you cannot wander through the stacks and pull books off the shelf as you see them. Instead, you need to search for them within OneSearch Manoa and request them using "Get It." Once items have been requested they will be available for pick-up at our fifth floor circulation counter in roughly 10 minutes.

Step-by-step instructions on how to request material is here:

  • Don't wait until the last minute do to your research! Our hours are different from the rest of the library and some of our materials can only be used in the library. It's therefore important to budget your time wisely when working on projects. Whenever possible, try to do your OneSearch searches and requests before you come to the library, so that your materials will be waiting for you when you arrive. Find out which materials can only be used in the library -- you might want to scan portions of these texts to take with you. The Hawaiian & Pacific Collections have multiple scanners you may use for free.

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