Regular employees are classified as Executive/Managerial; Faculty; Administrative, Professional and Technical; and Civil Service. The chart shows the distribution of classifications in 2013.
There are three executive positions in Library Services:
In 2012/2013, there were 45 full-time faculty members and 2 part-time faculty members.
Librarians are classified as rank II, III, IV, or V. In 2012/2013, the distribution of ranks was:
Source: Library Personnel Office
There are 31 APTs in Library Services. APT positions are categorized as Pay Band A or Pay Band B. In 2012/2013, the distribution was:
17 Pay Band B
14 Pay Band A
They are employed in the following types of positions:
Source: Library Personnel Office
Civil service employees make up 42% of the Library's personnel. In 2012/2013, there were 58 civil service employees in Library Services, in the following classifications:
Source: Library Personnel Office
The Library employed 46 FTE student assistants in 2012/2013. Currently, there are about 175 student employees in Hamilton and Sinclair libraries.
Source: Library Fiscal Office