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Japan Studies: Getting the Most of Koseisha Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei 皓星社雑誌記事索引集成データベース: Searching

This guide provides information and searching tips for the Koseisha's Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei Database

In this guide...

You will find the following pages:

About: What is the Koseisha Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei Database?

Searching: How to search the Koseisha Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei Database: Simple Search & Advance Search

Boolean Operators page helps you understand how the Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) works. Outside Link

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Simple Search 簡易検索

 Access to the Database Requires your UHM ID and Password

koseisha simple

Simple Search 簡易検索 ("Top" tag)

  • Input your keywords separated by space(s). Spaces are interpreted as "AND" 
  • Inputting a person's name as a keyword, it searches both "author" and "people" described in articles.
  • If you need to search "author" and people described in articles separately, use the advanced search page 詳細検索.
  • Use the most well known name as your keyword if a person is associated with many different names/aliases. Example: if you search 森鴎外, it returns both 森鴎外 and 森林太郎. However, if you search by a keyword 森林太郎, it only returns 森林太郎 but NOT 森鴎外.

Searching images/illustrations in articles

  • Click 図版を検索する to look for images, illustrations, photos.

Searching for 当て字

  • When you search 当て字、use the modern Japanese Katakana カタカナ. Example: when you input カナダ, it returns both カナダ and 加奈陀. However, if you search 加奈陀, it does not return カナダ.

Advanced Search 詳細検索

Click on 詳細検索 tab for more search options.

koseisha 1

Search by article title 論題名/author 著者名/Journal name 雑誌名/volume 巻号

Limit by publication years 刊行年月 The default setting is NO limit to publication years.

Thesaurus/synonym Dictionary 類語辞典
The default setting is "on" (利用する). It searches among synonyms. However, if you need to search 折口信夫 and 釈迢空, you need to turn off the thesaurus dictionary 利用しない.