You will find the following pages:
Home: What is the Kotenseki Sogo Mokuroku 古典籍総合目録?
Searching: 3 ways of searching Kotenseki Sogo Mokuroku
Search Tips: detailed information on each catagory, classificiations, where titles are from, notes, etc.
Roman Letter Search: Caution about using Roman letters in this database
The information is from the National Institute of Japanese Literature Kotenseki Sogo Mokuroku site
Boolean Operators page helps you understand how the Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) works. Outside Link
3 searching options are available. Select either "Work (Title)" Author" or "Bibliograhiy
Default setting is "Work"
Search words can be "Kanji (Chinese characters) and/or "Hiragana"
"Yomi" should be input in Hiragana.
You can select "Inside matching 中間一致," "Absolute matching 完全一致," "Prefix matching 前方一致," or "Suffix matching 後方一致." The default is "Inside matching."
You can also select "Title (all) すべて," "Title (only face) 表記のみ," or "Title (only pronounce) よみのみ."
You can select "AND" "OR", "NOT" When you input multiple words with space, it is equal to "AND" search.
Click on "Search"