Aozora Bunko 青空文庫
Full-texts of Japanese literature
Aozora Bunko 青空文庫 via the Internet Archive
Full-texts of Japanese literature, searchable via the Internet Archive search interface
English Translation of "Kochu Hagakure 校注葉隠" via Saga Prefectural Library |
Translated by Masahiro Nishiyama 西山政廣
Provides access to public domain digital books of more than 50 research institutions and libraries. Many Japanese books are available from the University of Michigan Library.
Heian Ibun Full Text Database 平安遺文フルテキストデータベース
By the Histrographical Institute Univ. of Tokyo 東京大学史料編纂所. Searchable database of 6,000 items from 竹内理三編『平安遺文』収載の約6000点 (Heian period 794-1185)
Japan P.E.N. Club E-Books 日本ペンクラブ電子文藝館
The Japan P.E.N. Club Digital Library mainly contains copyrighted literary works included with the permission of the copyright holders of each work, either the authors themselves or the copyright heirs if the author is deceased.
The Japanese Historical Text Initiative (JHTI)
A database made up of historical texts dating back more than 1200 years. The original version of every paragraph in every text is cross-tagged with its English translation, making it possible for any researcher to see, on the same screen, both the original and English translation of any word or phrase appearing in any JHTI text.
Japanese Text Initiative
Online texts of classical Japanese literature in Japanese characters for English-speaking scholars and students.
Kamakura Ibun Full Text Database 鎌倉遺文フルテキスト
By the Histrographical Institute Univ. of Tokyo 東京大学史料編纂所. Searchable database of 42 volumes from 故竹内理三氏が編『鎌倉遺文(かまくらいぶん)』(東京堂出版刊行)全46冊(正編第1冊~42冊と補遺編第1冊~4冊
NDL Digital Collection NDLデジタルコレクション
Full-text out-of-copyright Japanese books during Meiji & early Taisho periods.
Kotenseki Shiryo 古典籍資料
Full text of the Japanese classical literature by the National Diet Library. Can search citations.
The Library on the Web 電子図書館
Compilation of tull-texts of Japanese literature from various sources.
Nihon Koten Bungaku Honbun Database 日本古典文学本文データベース
By the National Institute of Japanese Literature. Need to register to obtain ID and Password. Can search texts of the titles from the Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 日本文学大系published by Iwanami Shoten岩波書店.
Komonjo Full text database 古文書フルテキストデータベース
By the Histrographical Institute Univ. of Tokyo 東京大学史料編纂所. Searchable database of Dai Nihon Komonjo: Iewake monjo『大日本古文書 家わけ文書 』
Kokiroku Full text database 古記録フルテキストデータベース
By the Histrographical Institute Univ. of Tokyo 東京大学史料編纂所. Searchable database of Dai Nihon Kokiroku『大日本古記録』
Koten Senshu Database 古典選集データベース
By the National Institute of Japanese Literature. Full text searchable for 二一代集、絵入源氏物語、吾妻鏡、栄花物語、大鏡、水鏡、今鏡、増鏡.
Nara Jidai Kobunsho full text database 奈良時代古文書フルテキストデータベース
By the Histrographical Institute Univ. of Tokyo 東京大学史料編纂所. Searchable database of 25 volumes of Dai Nihon Komonjo 史料編纂所『大日本古文書』(編年文書)全25冊
New Nara Ehon Database 新奈良絵本データベース
By the National Institute of Japanese Literature. Images of Nara Ehon held by the NIJL.
Taiwan eBooks 台湾華文電子文庫 Free eBooks including many Japanese books published during the occupation period.
Toyo Bunko Full-texts 東洋文庫データベース
岩崎文庫 45 full-text classical texts
University of the Ryukyus Library Digital Archives/Rare Books 琉球大学附属図書館貴重書データベース
With "glass view" functions, you can see the original scripts, modern interpretations & English summaries of Okinawa/Ryukyu materials.
Waseda University Early Prints Database 早稲田大学古典籍データベース
Extensive full-text database of Japanese early prints held at Waseda.
Center for Research Libraries
Many digital books, newspapers, journals. UHM is a member of CRL. Can borrow books and obtain articles via ILL/DD.
Many English language books on Japan. See the box below to see how you can download e-books from ebrary.
EBSCO eBook Collection (formerly NetLibrary)
University of Hawaii Press eBook collection plus classic works of literature and history online in publicly accessible eBooks.
Edo Meisho Zue 江戸名所図会 via Japan Knowledge Database
Provides manuscripts and modern writings
Click "Enter", Select "江戸名所図会 個別"
Shinpen Nihon Koten Bungaku Zenshu 新編日本古典文学全集 via Japan Knowledge Database
Access to Shogakukan's 88 volumes (adding gradually) Shinpen Nihon Koten Bungaku Zenshu.
Click "Enter", Select "新編日本古典文学全集 個別", Search.
Toyo Bunko 東洋文庫 via Japan Knowledge Database
Access to all 692 volumes of Toyo Bunko series online. Can search by title, keyword, chapter, etc.
Click "Enter", Select "東洋文庫 個別" you will enter the search.