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Japan Studies: Getting the Most of CiNii Articles NII論文情報ナビゲータ: Search Tips

This guide provides information and search tips for the NII CiNii Article database

In this guide...

You will find the following pages:

About: What is the CiNii Article Database NII 論文情報ナビゲータ?

Searching: How to search the NII CiNii Articles Database: Simple Search & Advance Search

Search Tips: Keyword combinations and Boolean operators within the CiNii Articles Database

Boolean Operators page helps you understand how the Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) works. Outside Link

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Combination of Keywords

Keywords separated by space(s)
Spaces are treated as "AND"  ハワイ 観光 in the title search box searches ハワイ AND 観光  

Phrase search
Input a phrase without any spaces. Example: ハワイ観光 returns only articles containing an exact phrase.

Phrase search for English language articles
Enclose a phrase in double quotations (" "). Example: "information processing" returns articles containing "computer information processing" "information processing society" etc. but NOT "processing and information" or "information on processing" 

Exact phrase search
Enclose a phrase in slashes (/ /). Example:  /バゼル山本/ in the author box returns records containing only 「バゼル山本」but NOT records containing 「バゼル 山本」

Use an asterisk (*) to search truncated English words.  Example: "work*" will return "work" "worker" and "working" but NOT "homework."

Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT)

You can use the Boolean operators in the CiNii Articles Database as follows:

Use space(s) or a symbol "&"  Examples: ハワイ 観光 (space in between the words) or ハワイ&観光 returns records containing both ハワイ and 観光

Use a word OR between search words or a symbol "|" between search words.  Example: ハワイ OR オアフ returns records containing ハワイ or オアフ

 use a word NOT between search words.  Example: ハワイ NOT 観光 returnds records containing ハワイ but excludes records containing 観光

Using Prentheses
You can prioritize Boolean search terms by using parentheses. Examples:  A NOT (B & C) returns records containing A but not records containing B and C.  (A NOT B) & C retuns records containing A and C but not records containing B.