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Festival of Pacific Arts

1988 newspaper

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Article titled "The Pacific People Celebrate Tradition"; From the LA Times Sunday, September 18, 1988

Pacific Ephemera Collection 1.03, Festival of the Pacific Arts, Pape'ete (Tahiti) 1985

1988 - news articles

1988 Logo

Festival of Pacific Arts Logo, Australia 1988

1988 misc items

Cover of "Where to see Aboriginal Art", a leaflet provided by the Department of Aboriginal Affairs

Pacific Ephemera Collection 1.03, Festival of the Pacific Arts, Townsville (Australia) 1988

Excerpt from Festival News of the 5th Festival of Pacific Arts. The title reads "THE FESTIVAL IS HERE" and the subtitle reads "It is unlikely that Australia will ever again have the opportunity to experience the excitement and richness of the cultures of Australia and the Pacific."

Pacific Ephemera Collection 1.03, Festival of the Pacific Arts, Townsville (Australia) 1988