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Festival of Pacific Arts

1984 - news articles

1984 Videos

1984 misc media 2

(from top to bottom) Chambranles (Door frame details for Kanak homes), Flêches faitières (Rooftop adornments for Kanak homes)

Posters from the 5th Festival of Pacific Arts

Pacific Ephemera Collection 1.03, Festival of the Pacific Arts [large format]

1984 other material

for more information regarding library materials, contact the UHM Library

Official Poster

4eme Festival des arts du pacifique, Nouvelle Caledonie 1984 (4th Festival of Pacific Arts, New Caledonia 1984 official poster)

Pacific Ephemera Collection 1.03, Festival of the Pacific Arts [large format]

1984 misc media

(from top to bottom) Aspects de la vie traditionelle Kanak (Aspects of traditional Kanak life), Cases (translation pending), Pirogues (Canoes)

Posters from the 5th Festival of Pacific Arts

Pacific Ephemera Collection 1.03, Festival of the Pacific Arts [large format]