The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is the latest incarnation of a department that traces its roots back to the establishment of marine hospitals in 1798. In 1902, the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service was created, and in 1912 it became the Public Health Service (PHS). In 1939, PHS became part of the newly established Federal Security Agency (FSA). The FSA evolved into the cabinet-level Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in 1953. Under a 1979 regoranization, the DHHS came into existence. DHHS is responsible for protecting the health and welfare of all Americans.
Government Documents provides access to an extensive collection of DHHS publications, including publications of the Office of Child Development, Administration on Aging, Children's Bureau, Head Start Bureau, and other offices. We also have Congressional reports, documents, committee hearings, and prints related to DHHS and its predecessor agencies. Search for these using ProQuest Congressional (UHM login required). You can also find general publications, handbooks, consumer pamphlets, and a plethora of technical and statistical publications about public health and welfare.