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SciFinder Scholar: Using SciFinder

An overview of using SciFinder to find information on chemistry and chemical engineering.

Filtering Search Results

Answer sets (i.e., the search results) can be analyzed or refined to help you identify the references, substances, reactions, or commercial sources most pertinent to your needs. The tools to analyze or refine your search results is located in the right side bar.

Analysis: Analyze displays just the answers (i.e., references or citations) that are of interest. Use Analysis to view which authors, CAS registry numbers, index terms, CA concept headings, and journal names that are most prevalent in your answer set. Other options to analyze or categorize your answer set are available.

Options to analyze answer sets depends on the type of answers in the set (references, substances, reactions, or commercial sources).
Analysis Tab

Refine: Create a new answer set based on the original answer set using selected search criteria. Refining allows additional criteria to be added to the original search, and thereby focuses the answer set on a group of answers of greater interest.

Options to refine the answer set depends on the type of answers in the set (references, substances, or reactions).
Refine Tab

Exploring SciFinder

  Search options in SciFinder Scholar  

Search SciFinder by research topic, chemical structure, chemical name, SMILES or InChl string, or author or company name. Many other options are available. Start your exploration of SciFinder using one of the following methods:

Explore References: Find scientific information in journals and patents from around the world by research topic, author name, company name, document identifier, journal, patent, and tags.

Tips for exploring references:

  • Use natural language, including preopositions (of, in, with, by...)
  • Place acronyms or synonyms can be placed in parentheses, e.g., drug (medicine)
  • Use not or except before a word to exclude it, e.g., global warming not carbon dioxide
  • Do not include truncation or wildcard symbols since SciFinder automatically truncates the terms in your query.

Explore Substances: Find information and properties on a specific chemical substance by chemical structure, Markush, molecular formula, and substance identifier.

Explore Reactions: Find reactions by using a chemical structure.

For more information on exploring SciFinder Scholar, see the Guides, Tutorials, & Training tab.

Accessing Full-Text

To get the full article within SciFinder Scholar look for the Other Sources Link and Link to Other Sources links which will direct you to the following:

  • An electronic version of the article if it is available from UH Manoa Library
  • Links to the Hawaii Voyager Library Catalog to see if the article is available from UH Manoa in print
  • A link to a request form to get the item through Interlibrary Loan if the article is not available

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