Use this feature to quickly and easily set automatic alerts so that the very latest information about subjects of interest will be delivered to you.
For more information, the following resources are available,
NOTE: Links within the emailed alert will not work (you will get a "Access to SciFinder is not authorized from this IP address...." message). To access the information, log into SciFinder Scholar and click on the "KMP Alert Results" link in the top right corner of the SciFinder window.
SciPlanner is an interactive workspace that allows you to visually combine and organize the relevant results of multiple searches into a workspace. The search types may be any combination of Explore References, Explore Substances, and Explore Reactions.
SciPlanner allows the free movement of data within the workspace and initiation of SciFinder searches (references, substances and reactions) from within the workspace.
Information that you put in SciPlanner can be saved and printed. SciPlanner information may also be exported into PDF files (plan contents), PNG files (workspace images), and RIS files (reference content).
Additional information is available in the following introductory videos:
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