It is a good idea to check to see that you are using the best terms for your topic. ASFA uses two different thesauri to index preferred subject terms and taxonomic terms.

Click the Thesaurus link located above and to the right of the Advanced Search or Command Line Search forms. The thesaurus is not available for the Basic Search.
A new browser window opens with 2 thesauri for ASFA:
- Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) thesaurus (subjects)
- Taxonomic Terms (Latin Names of Organisms Vocabulary)
Click a title to open the thesaurus. You can:
- Search for terms in the thesaurus
- Browse thesaurus terms, using the alphabetic links
Thesaurus Tools
- Use terms/Use term for — synonymous concepts pointing you to authorized terms.
- Use instead — these terms are the preferred thesaurus terms for your search.
- Narrower terms — more restrictive terms associated with a subset of records.
- Broader terms — less restrictive terms associated with a larger set of records.
- Related terms — similar terms suggested for use with your search.
- Scope notes — Scope notes contain information about the use of a subject heading. The scope note may contain a definition of the subject, the year the subject term came into use, and other important information.