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Theatre Research Guide

Sources for Books

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Find books available at Hamilton Library using OneSearch Mānoa:

OneSearch Mānoa  

Find eBooks available through Hamilton Library. (Note: The library has several other eBook platforms as well):

Ebook Central  

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Finding Film and Sound Recordings

Find Film and Sound Recordings at Hamilton Library.

If looking for Films available at Hamilton Library use OneSearch Mānoa:

OneSearch Manoa

         Search Films using the "Title" filter

         Limit Material Type to: Video/Film

         Select Institution: University of Hawaii at Mānoa

Hamilton Library has access to digital videos through databases like:

Films on Demand

       Films on Demand: Finding Aid

Kanopy Streaming Video

If looking for Sound Recordings available at Hamilton Library use OneSearch Mānoa:

OneSearch Manoa

         Limit Material Type to: Sound recordings OR Audio

         Select Institution: University of Hawaii at Mānoa

Call Number Aid

The overall call number range for Theatre can be found in the call number range:

TheatrePN 2000-3307, 2nd floor

Within this range the subject specific areas may be useful to know for your research:

Art of Acting: PN 2061-2071, 2nd Floor

The Stage and Accessories: PN 2085-2091, 2nd Floor  

Costume Design

  Books detailing the "how-to" of costume design technically and for the theatre can be found in the following call number areas:

  PN 2067, 2nd Floor  and TT507, Addition 4th Floor 

  Books with examples of style of dress from different time periods can be found in the following call number areas:

 GT 510 - GT 1045, 2nd Floor. In addition, for illustrated or books with photographs look for books with FOLIO in the call number or the subject heading, "pictorial works".


   Books detailing the technicality of making puppets can be found in the call number area:

   TT 174, Addition 4th Floor

    Books on Puppets in the Performing Arts can be found in the call number range:

    PN 1972 - PN 1980, 2nd Floor

    William Shakespeare

    PR 2750 - PR 3112, 2nd Floor