Telephone: 866-835-5322
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulates commercial aviation. Its precursor agencies are the Aeronautics Branch in the Department of Commerce and the independent Civil Aeronautics Authority, which was replaced by the Federal Aviation Agency in 1959. In 1967, it became the Federal Aviation Administration within the Department of Transportation.
FAA records at National Archives
Books about the FAA:
The Government Documents Collection has many FAA publications, including the following series:
Advisory circulars (TD 4.8/5:; TD 4.44:)
United States civil aircraft register (TD 4.18/2:)
FAA statistical handbook of civil aviation (TD 4.20:)
CAA journal (formerly Civil aeronautics journal) (CA 1.17:)
We also have regulations, general publications, handbooks, manuals, and other material from FAA. In addition, there are many Congressional reports, hearings, and documents about aviation safety. Ask a librarian for help to find these materials. The Map Collection has aeronautical charts of the world.