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Government Documents - Transportation-related Agencies: Federal Highway Administration

Describes our holdings of documents related to the USDOT and other transportation agencies dealing with roads, air carriers, maritime commerce, and rail.

Contact FHWA

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) was established in 1966. Its functions were previously handled by the Bureau of Public Roads (1949-1966) within the Department of Commerce, the Public Roads Administration (1939-1949) within the Federal Works Agency, and the Bureau of Public Roads (1918-1939) under the Department of Agriculture.

Government Documents has an extensive collection of FHWA documents, including the following titles:

Government Documents also has many general publications, handbooks, manuals, and other material from FHWA. In addition, we have congressional hearings, reports, and documents about highway financing and construction.

Road maps

The Map Collection has road maps of Hawai`i and other states and countries.

The U.S. Congressional Serial Set Maps database (UHM login required) has maps of roads and highways in the U.S. and foreign countries.

Maps of the Central and Western Divisions of the Fort Kearney, South Pass & Honey Lake wagon road

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Gwen Sinclair
2550 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu HI 96822