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Government Documents - Department of Justice: Federal Bureau of Investigation

Guide to publications of the Department of Justice, including crime, prisons, crime scene investigation, offender treatment, law enforcement, and related topics.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)'s mission is "to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners" (FBI web site). The FBI was created in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation and was renamed the FBI in 1935.

The FBI: A Centennial History, 1908-2008 book cover with historic photographs

Our print holdings of FBI publications are fully cataloged, although microfiche is not. We have many congressional hearings, reports, and documents concerning the FBI. You can search for these in ProQuest Congressional (UHM login required). Please ask a librarian for assistance in locating the hearings, reports, and documents in our collection. In addition, we have many general publications, manuals, pamphlets, statistical publications, and other reports by the FBI.

The Government Documents Collection has many documents by and about the FBI. Series include:

Covers of FBI bulletin

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Gwen Sinclair
2550 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu HI 96822