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Finding Hawaiʻi Congressional Papers: Senators Since Statehood

Guide to the locations of the papers of Hawai`i`s Congressional delegates, representatives, and senators.

Biographical Directory of U.S. Congress

Biographical Directory of U.S. Congress

Search for individuals by name, position, state, party, year or Congress

Senate Historical Office

The Senate Historical Office collects and preserves documents related to historic events in the Senate, including oral history and photographs.

Hawai`i's U.S. Senators (1959-Present)

Name Years Served
Hiram Leong Fong (R) 1959-1977
Oren Ethelbirt Long (D) 1959-1963
Spark Masayuki Matsunaga (D) 1977-1990
Daniel Ken Inouye (D) 1963-2012
Daniel Kahikina Akaka (D) 1990-2013
Brian Emanuel Schatz (D) 2012-
Mazie Keiko Hirono (D) 2013-


















Finding Legislative Materials

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