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Industry Information

Industry Ratios and Benchmarks

Company Financial Ratios

Create "Industry Group” Ratios with Mergent Online

   Open Mergent Online in a separate window.

Create your own custom ratio lists using Mergent Online.

  1. Create a "Company Analysis List" of up to 500 companies.
  2. In the "My Mergent Tools" menu (upper right corner), click on the Company Analysis List to open the report builder.
  3. Select the "Company Comparison Report" link.
  4. Move your selected companies over to the Company Comparison Report box on the right.
  5. Report Type: "List by Item." (default)
  6. Select Data Items. Expand the Ratios menu and move selected ratios to the Report Items box on the right.
  7. Click the "Include Averages" checkbox.
  8. Select appropriate years of reporting.
  9. Select a format (HTML, PDF, Word, Excel) and click the "Create Report" button.

The report will provide the selected ratios for each individual company and "peer averages" in the column header.

Print Resources for Industry Ratios