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Japan Special Collection: Hawaii Japanese Language School Textbook Collection: Textbooks by the Ministry

Textbooks used to educate Japanese immigrant children at Japanese language schools in Hawaii.


  In 1898, Rev. Okumura wanted to create educational opportunities for children of Japanese immigrants and requested the Ministry of Education in Japan to help provide Japanese language textbooks. In response to Okumura’s request, the Japanese government sent school textbooks along with physical education equipment in 1898. These textbooks were identical to the ones used in Japan.

Textbooks published by the Japanese Ministry of Education were used during the early years of the Japanese school. After 1910, an anti-Japanese campaign grew and the schools were accused of keeping the immigrant children from becoming Americanized. In 1915 representatives from the Japanese schools organized an educational committee. 

The committee decided to abolish the textbooks of the Japanese Ministry of Education and instead compile textbooks in Hawaii, and the Fushiminomiya Scholarship Society Fund was used to help pay for this project. The Society's members included Jukichi Uchida (内田重吉) and Takie Okumura (奥村多喜衛), and they each donated $300 in February 1915. In 1916, the Consulate General of Japan in Honolulu also donated $10,000 to the Hawai Kyoikukai (布哇教育会) to help with the textbook project. Dr. Yaichi Haga (芳賀矢一) from Japan was invited to help compile and edit the textbooks. The Fushiminomiya Scholarship Society (伏見宮記念奨学会) held the copyright on the textbooks.

For additional information about textbooks compiled by the Ministry of Education Japan, please visit Tosho Bunko 東書文庫 and Hiroshima University Japanese Textbook Collection 広島大学教科書文庫.

Selected Examples

Jinjo Shogaku Tokuhon 

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1910 - 1921
Vol. 1-11 (T1-21)
Jinjo Shogaku Shushinsho Jidoyo
(尋常小學修身書 児童用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1913 - 1919
Vol. 1-6 (T22-27)
Jinjo Shogaku Kokugo Tokuhon
Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1918 - 1921
Vol. 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 (T28-32)

Koto Shogaku Tokuhon

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1914 - 1921
Vol. 2-4 (T33-36)
Koto Shogaku Tokuhon Joshiyo
(高等小學読本 女子用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1915 - 1921
Vol. 2, 4 (T37-38)
Koto Shogaku Tokuhon 
Daisan Gakunenyo
(高等小學讀本 第三學年用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1914 - 1915
Vol. 1-2 (T39-40)
Koto Shogaku Shushinsho Joseiyo
(高等小學修身書 女生用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1917
Vol. 1-2 (T41-42)

Koto Shogaku Shushinsho, Jidoyo
(高等小學修身書 児童用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1913
Vol. 1-2 (T43-44)
Shogaku Kokugo Tokuhon Jinjokayo
(小學國語讀本 尋常科用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1933 - 1940
Vol. 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 12 (T260-269)
Koto Shogaku Rika/Kaji Kyokasho 

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1914 - 1917
Daiichi Gakunen Jidoyo
Daini Gakunen Jidoyo
Daisan Gakunen Jidoyo (T433-435)
Koto Shogaku Rikasho

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1912 - 1916
Daiichi Gakunen Jidoyo
Daini Gakunen Jidoyo
Daisan Gakunen Jidoyo 
Jinjo Shogaku Rikasho

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1918 - 1919
Daigo Gakunen Jidoyo
Dairoku Gakunen Jidoyo
Koto Shogaku Chirisho, Jidoyo
(高等小學地理書 児童用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1920 - 1921
Vol. 1-2 (T446-447)
Koto Shogaku Chirisho 
Daisan Gakunenyo
(高等小學地理書 第三學年用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1921 (T448)
Jinjo Shogaku Chirisho, Jidoyo
(尋常小學地理書 児童用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1918 - 1919
Vol. 1-2 (T449-450)
Jinjo Shogaku Chiri Fuzu

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1913 (T451)
Koto Shogaku Sanjutsusho
(高等小學 算術書)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1910 - 1912
Daini Gakunen Jidoyo
Daisan Gakunen Jidoyo 
Jinjo Shogaku Sanjutsusho
(尋常小學 算術書)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1912 - 1920
Daisan Gakunen Jidoyo
Daiyon Gakunen Jidoyo
Daigo Gakunen Jidoyo 
Dairoku Gakunen Jidoyo 
Sansu San
(算数 三)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1948 (T464)
Shogakusei no Sansu
Daiyon Gakunenyo
(小学生のさんすう 第四学年用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1949
Vol. 1-3 (T465-467)
Jinjo Shogaku Kokushi

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1921
Vol. 1 (T491)
Jinjo Shogaku Nihon Rekishi Jidoyo
(尋常小學日本歴史 児童用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1912
Vol. 2 (T492)

Koto Shogaku Nihon Rekishi

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1911 - 1912
Vol. 1-2 (T493-495)
Koto Shogaku Nihon Rekishi 
Daisan Gakunenyo
(高等小學日本歴史 第三學年用)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1914 (T496)
Kokugo, Daiyon Gakunen
(国語 第四学年)

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1949
Vol. 2 (T507)
Chugakko Shokugyo ni Kansuru Kyokashidosho

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1961 (T532)
Shogakko Dotoku Shidosho

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1958 - 1961 (T536-537)
Chugakko Dotoku Shidosho

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1958 (T538-539)
Chugakko Dotoku Shido Jireishu

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1959
Vol. 1 (T540)
Shotoka Chiri

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1943
Vol. 2 (T645)
Koto Shogaku Shintei Gacho, Danjosei Kyoyo

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1912 
Daiichi Gakunen
Daini Gakunen
Daisan Gakunen (T417-419)
Jinjo Shogaku Shintei Gacho Dairoku Gakunen

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1910 
Danseiyo (T420-421)
Jinjo Shogaku Shoka

Ministry of Education (文部省)
Year : 1911 - 1913
Daiichi Gakunenyo
Daini Gakunenyo
Daisan Gakuneyo
Daigo Gakunenyo (T422-425)