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Japan Special Collection: Hawaii Japanese Language School Textbook Collection: Honpa Honganji (Honpa Hongwanji)

Textbooks used to educate Japanese immigrant children at Japanese language schools in Hawaii.

Waipahu Japanese Language School

waipahu japanese language school photo of 1925

Waipahu Japanese Language School New School Building Dedication in August 1925 [Digitized photo site created by the Libray Map Collection]

大正一四年八月布哇オアフ島ワイパフ日本語学校落成式記念建設委員寫眞 S. Morita Photo

The photo was originally acquired by the Center for Okinawan Studies

About textbooks by Honpa Hongwanji 本派本願寺

 j-texts honpa logo

1902: Bishop Emyo Imamura established Honpa Honganji (Hongwanji) Elementary School. Bishop Imamura devoted 32 years of his life in Hawaii to Buddhist teachings and the education of Japanese immigrants. He established a Japanese school at many plantation sites.



In the early 1900s, the Japanese schools fell into three categories; (1) the Buddhism based schools operated by the Honpa Honganji (Hongwanji) temples of Emyo Imamuara; (2) the Christianity based schools such as the Hawai Chuo Gakuin (布哇中央学院) established by Takie Okumura (奥村多喜衛); and (3) the non-religious, independent schools operated by the parents of the students. The largest number of the schools were run by the Honpa Honganji (Hongwanji), which compiled its own textbooks.

Selected Samples

View comprehensive list of titles

Jitsuryoku no Tsuku Nihongo Gakushusho

Honpa Honganji/Hongwanji (本派本願寺)
Year : 1934
Vol. 4-6 (T296-299)
Nihongo Fukutokuhon

Honpa Honganji/Hongwanji (本派本願寺)
Year : 1928
Vol. 2, 3, 5, 6 (T300-303)
Santei Chuto Nihongo Tokuhon
Honpa Honganji/Hongwanji (本派本願寺)
Year : 1929
Vol. 1, 2, 4 (T330-331, 336)

Shinpen Chuto Nihongo Tokuhon

Honpa Honganji/Hongwanji (本派本願寺)
Year : 1938
Vol. 3-4 (T332-334, 337)
Shitei Chugaku Shushinsho

Honpa Honganji/Hongwanji (本派本願寺)
Year : 1929
Vol. 2 (T373)
Bukkyo Nichiyo Gakko Tokuhon, Chutoka
(佛教日曜學校讀本 中等科)

Honpa Honganji/Hongwanji (本派本願寺)
Year : 1931
Vol. 1 (T376)

Bukkyo Seinen Tokuhon

Honpa Honganji/Hongwanji (本派本願寺)
Year : 1931
Vol. 1 (T647)