English Newspapers 英字新聞 in Japan a brief history
Kawaraban かわら版 Woodblock print newspaper during the Edo era
Nishiki-e Shinbun 錦絵新聞 Woodblock print newspaper during the Meiji period
Early Japanese Newspapers 邦字新聞 a brief history and images
Basic newspaper terms that you need to know before reading Japanese newspapers
Before newspapers were born in Japan, how was the news traveled? "Kawaraban 瓦版" was a sheet of information paper filled with woodblock print illustrations and newsy information including gossips. It is said that the 『大阪阿部之合戦之図』 (Osaka abe no gassen no zu) 1615 (慶長20) was one of the oldest such information sheet existed. The Waseda University's site provides more information with many images of Kawaraban.
University of Tokyo's the Birth of Newspapers in Japan ニュースの誕生
早稲田大学「瓦版について」 Waseda University Kawaraban
『大阪阿部之合戦之図』 (Osaka abe no gassen no zu) 1615 (慶長20)
Yokohama Kaiko Shiryokan 横浜開港資料館