English Newspapers 英字新聞 in Japan a brief history
Kawaraban かわら版 Woodblock print newspaper during the Edo era
Nishiki-e Shinbun 錦絵新聞 Woodblock print newspaper during the Meiji period
Early Japanese Newspapers 邦字新聞 a brief history and images
Basic newspaper terms that you need to know before reading Japanese newspapers
原紙(げんし) print newspapers as they were published 発行されたままの紙の新聞
縮刷版(しゅくさつばん)reduced sized editions
復刻版(ふっこくばん)reprints of the original
マイクロフィルム microfilms
ウェブ版 Web version
Pay by view news
Free Internet news
フルテキストオンラインデータベース full-texts online database
フルテキストオンラインデータベース紙面画像付 full-texts online database with paper images
社説 (しゃせつ)editorial
文芸欄 (ぶんげいらん)art & literary columns
連載(小説) (れんさい しょうせつ)a serial novel
社会欄 (しゃかいらん)issues related to a society
家庭欄 (かていらん)issues related to home and family
婦人欄 (ふじんらん)issues related to women
身の上相談 (みのうえそうだん)/人生相談 (じんせいそうだん) Dear Abby-type consultations/advice seeking
投書欄 (とうしょらん)Letters to the editor
見出し (みだし) Headlines
本文 (ほんぶん) Articles
段 (だん) A Japanese newspaper page is usually divided into several parts for adjusting an article fit adequately in one page. Each horizontal section is called "dan." 1 段 starts from the top right.
全国紙(ぜんこくし)nation-wide newspapers ex: 朝日新聞、毎日新聞、読売新聞、日本経済新聞、産経新聞
地方紙(ちほうし)local newspapers ex: 北海道新聞、長崎新聞、琉球新報、沖縄タイムス
地方版(ちほうばん)local or regional editions
朝刊(ちょうかん)morning edition
夕刊(ゆうかん)evening edition
号外(ごうがい) extra or special editions
外地版(がいちばん)overseas editions during the colonial times
1面 (いちめん) Front page, also refers as 総合面
政治面 (せいじめん) Political section page
国際面 (こくさいめん) International section page
経済面 (けいざいめん) Economics/Business section page
社会面 (しゃかいめん) Society/social section page
家庭面 (かていめん) Home/Family section page