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Japan Studies: Newspapers in Japan: UHM Newspapers 新聞

A brief history and information about newspapers published in Japan

Japanese Newspapers at UHM

Title Holdings Index
  1. Asahi Shinbun Digital 朝日新聞デジタル 有料会員版(UHM Only)
  2. Asahi Shinbun Digital 朝日新聞 Free version
  3. Asahi Ronza 朝日論座
  4. Asahi Shinbun Cross Search (UHM Only)
  5. Asahi Shinbun Gaichiban/朝日新聞外地版
  6. Asahi Shinbun Gaichiban II/朝日新聞外地版II
  1. (1888-present)
    MICROFILM S90246
  2. Kikuzo II (1879 to present)
  3. English News (2001 to present)
  4. Gaichiban (1935-1941)
  1. 朝日新聞記事総覧 (大正8年(1919)8月15日-平成4年(1992)12月31日)
  2. Kikuzo II: Online searchable
  3. Folio Section on the 2nd floor, reproductions
The Japan News (full text via Nexis Uni) (UHM Only) Sep.1,1989-present, no paper holdings Online searchable database
The Mainichi  (Limited Access Only) Web-version, no paper holdings Online searchable database

The Japan News (1989-present full text )
via Nexis Uni (UHM Only)
via Yomidas (Yomiuri Database Service)(UHM Only)

No paper holdings, full-text version Online searchable database

Japan Times (Limited Access Only)
*Nexis Uni (UHM Only) No Longer provides Japan Times articles as of June, 7th, 2022.*


  • Japan Times Mar 22, 1897-Mar 31, 1918, Apr 2, 1918-Nov 10, 1940 MICROFILM S90003
Online searchable
Annual Index with microfilm (1989-present)
Japan Times Archives (full text) (UHM Only) 1897 - Previous Calendar Year Online keyword search.
Japan Weekly Mail Jan. 2, 1886-Feb. 12, 1916 MICROFILM S90005  



Mainichi Shinbun (毎日新聞) Dec. 1983-Dec. 1988 (microfilm)  
  1. Nihon Keizai Shinbun (日本経済新聞)
  2. Nikkei Telecom21 (日本経済新聞社4紙Onlineフルテキスト及び経済人人物情報) (UHM Only) including historical articles from 1876 (明治9年)-1958 (昭和33年)
  3. Nikkei Telecom Support Blog site for more information.
  1. 1936-1990 (MICROFILM S91151), 1990-present (Condesed edition)
  2. Nikkei Telecom provides Nikkei Business Daily, Nikkei Financial Daily, Nikkei MJ, Nihon Keizai Shinbun, Who's Who in business & industry, etc.
  1. Online searchable full-text database
Nihon Keizai Shinbun Shukusatsuban (日本経済新聞縮刷版) 1990-2016  

1. Nikkei Weekly

2. Nikkei Asia  (1980-present full text via Nexis Uni (UHM Only)

3. Nikkei Asia Online, allows unlimited articles (UHM Only

1. 1963-1992 (MICROFILM S50021),

2.June 3, 1980 -present (online)

Online searchable database: updated weekly
Okinawa Mainichi Shinbun (沖縄毎日新聞) 1909-1914 (DVD 1119) DVD is available at the Asia Ref Desk
Okinawa Nippo (沖縄日報) 1936-1940 (DVD 1119) DVD is available at the Asia Ref Desk
  1. Okinawa Times (沖縄タイムス)
  2. Okinawa Times Database (沖縄タイムスデータベース)(UHM Only)
  1. 1948-1977 and 1992-1996 (MICROFILM D90002), 1964-1977 (MICROFILM V90013)
  2. 1997-Present
  1. Historical index partially included in the Koseisha Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei database
    Shinbun Kiji Sakuin 1950-1970
  2. Online full-texts, searchable database
  1. Ryukyu Shinpo (琉球新報)
  2. English Ryukyu Shimpo (琉球新報英語訳) Selected translations from Japanese articles
  3. Ryukyu Shinpo Database (琉球新報データベース(UHM Only)
  1. 1898-1918 (DVDs), 1945Aug-1951Jul and 1951Sep-2002Mar (MICROFILM D90003), 2001-2007 (DVD-R 1121), 2009-present (MICROFILM D90003)
  2. 1998-Present
  1. DVD-R is available at the Asia Ref Desk
    Historical index partially included in the Koseisha Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei database
  2. Shinbun Kiji Sakuin 1950-1970
  3. Online full-texts, searchable database
  1. Shukan Dokushojin (週刊読書人)
  2. Shukan Dokushojin Web version
No archives
  1. Newspaper stack at the Asia Collection
  2. Online version is now available for the recent issues.
  1. Yomiuri Shinbun (読売新聞)
  2. Yomidas (Yomiuri Database Service) online database (UHM Only)
2.  1874 (Nov.2)-Present

2.   Online full-texts, searchable database

      Video Tutorials English / Japanese

1. Tosho Shinbun (図書新聞)

2. Tosho Shinbun (back issues) online

1. 1949-53 (reprint), 1991-Present

2. back issues 2007-present UHM Only (ask ID/PW at the Japan Collection)

  • Folio Section on the 2nd floor
  • Index with the reprint

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