English Newspapers 英字新聞 in Japan a brief history
Kawaraban かわら版 Woodblock print newspaper during the Edo era
Nishiki-e Shinbun 錦絵新聞 Woodblock print newspaper during the Meiji period
Early Japanese Newspapers 邦字新聞 a brief history and images
Basic newspaper terms that you need to know before reading Japanese newspapers
The Nishiki-e shinbun was a new type of media during the Meiji period. It is a combination (hybrid) between Ukiyo-e (woodblock prints) and newspapers. It is one sheet of colored woodblock print with a news article written in. It is said that the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shinbun 「東京日日新聞」 article was the first its kind published in 1874 (明治7). For more information about Nishiki-e Shinbun @University of Tokyo's Birth of Newspapers in Japan ニュースの誕生 「錦絵新聞とは何か」
University of Tokyo 「ニュースの誕生」 「東京日日新聞」
Japan Newspaper Park 日本新聞博物館 「報知新聞」
Waseda University Kotenseki Database 「大阪錦絵新話」
Courtesy to p. 8. "Nishiki-e shinbun kaitai 錦絵新聞解体", Nihon Shinbun Hakubutsukan "Meiji no media-shi tachi: Nishikie Shinbun no sekai." 2011. 図録「明治のメディア師たち-錦絵新聞の世界」日本新聞博物館。
People who created Nishiki-e Shinbun 錦絵新聞のメディア師
Artists 絵師
Journarists 新聞記者