You will find the following pages:
About: What is the NDL Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Database NDL雑誌記事索引データベース?
Searching: How to search the NDL Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Database
Search Tips: Detailed information on codes, limited search, etc.
Boolean Operators page helps you understand how the Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) works. Outside Link
1. Access to the Database
2. Login with your ID & Password or Login as a guest if you have not registered yet.
3. In the Simple Search screen, click on the "Article" tab.
4. Search ハワイ in the article title box.
5. Multiple words in a box are interpreted as "AND" Search. Example: search terms ハワイ 観光 look for articles contain both ハワイ AND 観光
In additions to limiting your search to journals held by specific locations, publication year, volumes, and article text language, provided in the right column, you can use specific codes and/or classifications to narrow your search. For more information about the codes and classifications, click "Search Tips" tab.
1. After your search, make sure to check the UHM Library Voyager whether the journals are held in the UHM Library. IF not,
2. Request via the UHM Library Document Delivery service by filling out the UHM Library ILL/DD Form
Limit "Publisher/Editor"
1. Input ハワイ as a search term in the article title box
2. Limit to journal published by universities by inputting 大学 in the Publisher/Editor box. You will get articles by Japanese universities.
Limit to a specific publisher by using "Agency Code"
1. Input ハワイ as a search term in the article title box
2. Limit to journal published by Doshisha universities by inputting its Agency Code 2195 in the Agency Code box.
Limit to a specific article classification.
1. Input ハワイ as a search term in the article title box
2. Limit to book reviews 書評 by inputting 書評 in the "Classification of Articles" box.
Limit to a specific article classification.
1. Input ハワイ as a search term in the article title box
2. Limit to academic association/society reports by inputting 学会報告 in the "Classification of Articles" box.