You will find the following pages:
About: What is the NDL Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Database NDL雑誌記事索引データベース?
Searching: How to search the NDL Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Database
Search Tips: Detailed information on codes, limited search, etc.
Boolean Operators page helps you understand how the Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) works. Outside Link
University Codes 大学コード
Government Agency Codes 官庁コード
Prefecture/Municipal Government Codes 都道府県・市町村コード
International Organization Codes 国際機関コード
For the index 1948-1974 : Only "特集" is assigned.
For the index 1975-1995 : "伝記・年譜", "会議録・学会報告・シンポジウム" and "翻訳" are not assigned.