You will find the following pages:
About: What is the NDL Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Database NDL雑誌記事索引データベース?
Searching: How to search the NDL Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Database
Search Tips: Detailed information on codes, limited search, etc.
Boolean Operators page helps you understand how the Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) works. Outside Link
The NDL Zasshi Kiji Sakuin (雑誌記事索引) is a bibliographic database that provides detailed bibliographic information of many journals published in Japan and received d by the National Diet Library (NDL) from 1948 to present. The scope of coverage depends on each journal so please consult with the full list and information @ the Zassaku List. This guide provides some tips for your database search.
Access to the Database
1. If you are already a registered user, write your ID and Password.
2. If you have not registered yet, click on the link as a guest user.
3. Click on "Article" tab.