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Laulima Library Toolkit

Finding Links to E-books


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Link Ebook to Laulima (handout)

The academic e-book world is different from the Public Library and companies like Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Typical licensing types for e-books include:

  • single copy - often can only be viewed online
  • multiple copies
  • non-linear - limited by the number of uses
  • unlimited - students typically still need to log-in

Some books are only available to people at UH Mānoa. Others are available throughout the system or to the public.

If you cannot find a specific book or you were hoping for better licensing, contact the subject librarian

First: Find the URL

OneSearch - is the general finding aid for materials at Hamilton Library

  • Use the Advanced search to focus the search on title, subject, etc.
  • Limit the search to "Electronic Books" on the right side
  • To clarify the search
    • use other filters
    • use the subjects listed
  • When you have found the e-book, click on the "Available Online" link
  • You can now move to Step 2, which discusses copying the URLs from the primary e-book vendors 

Second. Copy the correct URL

The process for copying the URL depends on the vendor providing the e-book to the library.

Note: "Share Link to Book," "Permalink," "Persistent Link," etc. all refer to the same function—different publishers use different terms.

ProQuest Ebook Central

  • The URL for the whole book is on the "Share Link to Book" button on the left side
  • For the URL to direct to a particular page:
    • go to the page
    • click on the chain icon on the top bar called "share link"
    • note the URL's structure, which includes the page number - you can edit this manually as desired

EBSCOhost Ebooks

  • Find the "Permalink" in the tools - the selection maybe hidden in the ellipses
    • note that the page number is part of the URL
  • Test the link in a different browser to see if it works
    • you might get an error saying that this book is in use, which suggests that it is working because you have tried to access it twice at the same time

Third: Use the Laulima Tools

Now, you can use that URL to add a resource to one of the Laulima tools, such as those listed on the menu to the left.

It may be possible to create a Proxy Link so that students do not have to log in a second time to access the resource. Instructions are located on the left. This process does not work for all vendors, so make sure to test your links.