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Laulima Library Toolkit

Linking to Digital Collections

Direct your students to scholarly resources in the Library's Digital Collections.

Scenario One: Copying the Link to a Digital Collection

  1. Choose a Digital Collection from the Digital Collections page
  2. Do a right-click (on Windows) or control+click (for Mac) on the link and choose "Copy Link Location" or "Copy Shortcut"

Scenario Two: Copying a Link to a Specific Image in a Digital Collection

  1. Choose a Digital Collection from the Digital Collections page
  2. Search for an individual image.
  3. Click on the image in the results list that you wish to use.
  4. On the page that opens, scroll until you see either "Cite this Item" or "Reference URL".
  5. Copy the URL that is listed under "Cite this Item" or, click on "Reference URL" and copy the link that appears in a pop-up box.

Then add the link to Laulima using one of the methods listed on the left (or others, as desired)