High Tech Hawai'i was a television series that aired on Oceanic Cable and was produced by the Information Technology Services (ITS) department of the University of Hawai'i. You can find more episodes from High Tech Hawai'i.
Link to Video (60 minutes)
"While some question whether the "anywhere, anytime" pace of the Internet is taking away from Hawaii's quality of life and cherished values, others are harnessing these same technologies to preserve and promulgate indigenous languages and culture. Keola Donaghy of UH-Hilo will be sharing the work of Hale Kuamoʻo, the UH-Hilo Hawaiian Language Center, in using Internet technologies to teach Hawaiian and enhance the rebirth of the language as a live aspect of Hawaiian culture in the 21st century"
Link to Video (60 minutes)
"Highlights low and high technology and discusses ways in which technology can improve the quality of life and the lives of those with disabilities."
Link to Video (60 minutes)
"Members of a local family from Kauaʻi share their perspectives on the use of the Internet from their respective viewpoints as a student, teacher and parent."