Many Hawaiʻi-related titles are available to stream in the databases below. Ethnographic Videos Online contains a number of very popular videos like Act of War and those from Nā Maka o ʻĀina and much more.
The Hawaiian Collection purchases streaming licenses of documentaries related to Hawaiʻi. To browse these titles, go to OneSearch and do the following advanced search.
Below are a sample of titles we license to stream.
We also have many documentaries that are only available on DVD or VHS. You can browse them by doing the following search.
Go to OneSearch and do the following advanced search.
If you are UHM faculty and would like to request to make a physical video of ours streaming for your class, please visit the webpage Course Reserves Media/Streaming Reserves Info. Note these requests need to be submitted two months before the beginning of the semester.
Below are a sample of titles we have only in a physical format of VHS or DVD.
If you need access to a Hawaiʻi-related documentary for a class, please submit an "Ask Us" request.