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Japan-JPN 640: Mysteries of Modern Japanese Fiction: Koseisha Zasshi Kiji Sakuin

Resource guide for JPN 640: Misteries of Modern Japanese Fiction-Crime, Detection and Deviance (Fall 2019)

Zassaku Plus logo  Index database covering periodicals from Meiji to the present.

zassaku basic search

When you select a choice "CiNii 連携" (CiNii connection), the database search includes the CiNii data.

In 詳細検索 (Advanced Search), you can include 図版 illustrations by choosing the option.

zassaku advanced search

How to download data into Excel spreadsheet

1. Select the record that you want to download  zassaku selected records

2. Press ”選択した記事データをダウンロード" and save onto your device  zassaku download

3. Open your Excel and import from the downloaded data. The downloaded data is in cvs format. Go to "Data" >>> choose "From text" >>> choose "deliminated" >>> Click "Next" >>> Select "Comma" >>> Click "Finish".

4. Name and save the file.

zassaku excel

zakkaku excel