Author-level metrics attempt to quantify impact by analyzing citations arising from an individual author's publications. This is useful for you, as an author/researcher, as well as your tenure committee and/or funders.
Advantages | Disadvantages |
University of Hawaii at Manoa's ScholarSpace subscribes to PlumX Metrics, which you can view at the bottom of each article page. These metrics provide insight into your scholarly reach and impact online, including:
Altmetrics, or alternative/article-level metrics, are non-tradtional bibliometrics that cover digital scholarly impact. These include:
Researcher profiles are an efficient way to showcase and manage your publications. They can help to avoid misidentification, track citation counts, and help you to be identified by potential collaborators.
Google Scholar Citation Profile helps you track the citations of all your publications in one place. It also includes links to citing articles. You can import/export citations from Google Scholar into ORCID using BibTex (.bib files).
MyResearcherID, through Web of Science (Web of Knowledge), assigns unique researcher IDs that persist regardless of institutional affiliation, allowing for more easy tracking. Web of Science publications can also be exported into ORCID by associating the two accounts.
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