The Library acquires a wide range of materials to support the programs of the Department of Second Language Studies. These materials are located in the humanities and social sciences collection on the first and second floors of Hamilton Library and in the Asia, Hawaiian, and Pacific Collections on the third, fourth, and fifth floors. Additional materials are located in the science and technology collection in the Hamilton Addition.
Print materials and Audio Visual material are located in Hamilton Library and are listed in the UH Catalog. Many journals, books, and documents are available in electronic form. Some of these items appear in the catalog, but you can access them directly through the Online Databases/Indexes list and the Electronic Journals/eBooks search.
These resources provide great background information on topics in language and linguistics and are good places to start if you're looking for an overview on a specific topic or are hoping to generate ideas for your research question. Many of these titles are available electronically. The print materials are housed in the Reference Collection on the first floor of Hamilton Library (behind the Reference Desk).
Use these research guides for disciplines related to Spanish.
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