Digital Collections & Repository Program
Desktop Network Services
Hamilton Library
University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Digital Asset Management, Digital Initiatives, Digitization
Institutional Repository, dSpace, Scholarspace, eVols
Digital Conversion, Digital Image Collections, Scanning, Streetprint
Collection Management System, E-books
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The mission of the Digital Collections and Repository Program (D-CARP) is to further the strategic goals of the University of Hawaii Library that relate to digitization and open access: to "build distinctive and unique Hawaiian, Pacific, and Asian collections that benefit the University, the people of Hawai‘i, the region, and the world". Library digital projects include any activity or outcome that involves use of the library web servers, creation or use of database applications on/for the library servers and/or creation of digital files via scanning for storage/use/access on library servers.
Faculty and staff in D-CARP seek to partner with researchers and scholars to share new knowledge using digital technologies to provide the widest access to the special and unique research materials in the library collections and to make the most of scholarly communication.
1. Collaborate with faculty and librarians on digital collection/digitization projects.
2. Explore scholarly communication and open access needs of faculty and develop systems and services to meet those needs.
3. Offer consultation and advisory services to faculty and staff in the areas of:
* Digital project development and implementation
* Digital preservation and digitization-related grant applications
* Digitization of text, images, audio, and video
* Metadata creation and encoding
* Usability
4. Explore collaborative partnerships for digitization services for and with cultural heritage organizations
* Host digital content and metadata
* Provide digitization workshops and training
* Encourage cross-institutional projects
5. Support digitization services
* Work with collection development officer to implement a collection digitization plan
* Explore the digitization of published resources
6. Explore partnership with UH Press and support for electronic open access publishing
7. Expand and promote the active use of the institutional repository
8. Support a sustainable number of standards-compatible open source systems for the creation and use of digital content and metadata
9. Improve funding and staffing resources for the digital library infrastructure
10. Enhance preservation of digital collections and metadata
* Develop plans to insure the preservation of created digital content and metadata
* Lead efforts to implement these plans
* Explore and test methods of digital preservation
* Seek and participate in regional and/or trusted repository consortia
11. Improve communication about the services, collections, and research of D-CARP