This library guide is meant as a starting point for students doing graduate level research in Pacific Islands Studies. This page is intended to give you an overview of where you will find different types of information resources, both within the UH Mānoa Library (and UH system) and via other sources. The Research Strategies tab at left links to information on general searching techniques, as well as information on how to search for specific types of material (photographs, films and audio recordings, and so forth). The Online Resources tab provides links to a wide variety of material, including to additional subject-specific library guides. Before getting started, you may also want to refer to this checklist for Pacific Islands Studies literature reviews.
This is a general overview of where to find various types of resources. More specific searching information can be found using the tabs in the left hand margin of this page.
OneSearch is the online catalog for all libraries in the University of Hawaiʻi System. When you search the catalog, unless you otherwise limit it, you are searching the library holdings of every UH library in the state, including the University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa. OneSearch also searches many (but not all) databases that the Library subscribes to, along with select resources that are freely available on the Internet. It is important to note that, despite its name, OneSearch does not search every resource that the library has access to. Even in cases where it does search a given database, it is also sometimes worthwhile to search directly in these databases, as you will sometimes get more comprehensive results by searching directly within databases. Speaking very generally, when you search in OneSearch, you are looking for the titles, authors, publishers, or subjects of books (in both physical and electronic formats); periodicals (anything that is regularly published: newspapers, scholarly journals, "popular press" magazines, annual reports and so forth); audio-visual materials (films, audio recordings, photographic collections); and archival/manuscript collections. When it searches databases, OneSearch does a mix of metadata searching (i.e., the titles, authors, subjects) and full-text searching, depending on a variety of factors. As an example, OneSearch searches the metadata in the Library's digital repositories, Scholarspace and eVols, but it does not search the full-text of these repositories.
Scholarspace & eVols
The Library maintains two online, open-access digital repositories: Scholarspace and eVols. These contain digital versions of various types of material: some (not all) dissertations and theses; some (not all) books; some (you get the point) journals; published and unpublished papers; government documents and so forth. The difference between the two repositories is that Scholarspace houses material produced by people who in one way or another are affiliated with the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa (so for instance, you will find a large collection of material created by students and faculty from CPIS here); eVols contains material that was produced by people outside of the University.
WorldCat searches the library holdings of hundreds of libraries throughout the world, including the University of Hawaiʻi. In most cases, for Hawaiʻi- and Pacific-related research, it's again best to start with Voyager (because we attempt to collect everything on the subject already, and because Voyager is a bit more contained than WorldCat), and then move out from there. On the flipside, when you do find something in WorldCat that is not at UH-Mānoa, you can directly request it via Interlibrary Loan (so if you ever have a citation for something that you can't find in Voyager, search for it in WorldCat -- if you find it there, you can request a copy to be sent to our library for your use.)
HathiTrust Digital Library
HathiTrust makes the digitized collections of several large research libraries available online -- many of the titles are available to read online, but even when they are not, they are often full-text searchable, which allows for deeper searching within the text than OneSearch can do. You can thus use Hathi as an addition to OneSearch, to help find books that might otherwise be missed in a metadata-only search. To access HathiTrust as a University of Hawaii student, faculty or staff member, once you've clicked the link above, click on the yellow Log In button to the right of the screen and search partner institution for University of Hawaii. You can then log in with your UH username and password.
Google Books
Like HathiTrust, Google Books can also sometimes be used as an add-on to the library's online catalog, in that it searches the full-text of many (but not all) books -- in this way, you can sometimes use Google Books to find information that OneSearch would not necessarily pick up (since, again, OneSearch does not in all cases search full text). Keep in mind that any Pacific-related book you discover using Google Books should be available in the Pacific Collection (in many cases, Google Books will not allow you to read full-text of books it finds).
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