The website Breadfruit Educational Resources includes a variety of short documentary films created by Dr. Lola Quan-Bautista, who is a faculty member in Pacific Islands Studies. These films include:
Dr. Quan-Bautista's documentary film Breadfruit and Open Spaces is also available for streaming through the library's subscription to Ethnographic Videos Online (click on the film title for a link to the streaming version).
Hamilton Library's Harry C. & Nee-Chang Wong Audiovisual Center (commonly known as the Wong AV Center), has for several years been reformatting films that were only available via obsolete formats (for instance, 16mm film, VHS or BETA tapes). The emphasis for this work has been on Hawai'i- and Pacific-related films. Below is a sampling of the films available through this project -- the first three films below have been selected because they show how the Wong AV Center collections might be used to track changes in an island culture over time; the others show the variety of films available. Because of copyright restrictions, the majority of these films are only available to UH users with a valid ID. To view a more complete list of streaming Hawai'i films click here. For Pacific films, click here. All streaming videos are also searchable via the Library's OneSearch online catalog.
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