Digital repositories house published and unpublished material that has been digitized and made available by the UH-Mānoa Library. The Library currently has two digital repositories, ScholarSpace and eVols -- Scholarspace houses material produced by scholars affiliated with the University of Hawaiʻi; eVols houses material that has been digitized by the Library, but was produced by authors outside of the UH system. Some (but not all) of the material in these repositories can be found by searching the Voyager catalog; but for the most part, you need to search within the repositories themselves to see what's there.
The Pacific Collection also holds print bibliographies for virtually every Pacific country and subject -- most are not available to read online, but you can search for them in OneSearch.
If you have a citation for a work and it does not appear to be held by UH-Mānoa (or the UH system libraries), you can request that it be sent to the library via Inter-Library Loan (used primarily for books, films or other items that require physical delivery) or Document Delivery (for journal articles, which are usually delivered to you electronically). Mouse over the links below for more information. Interlibrary loan and document delivery services are free to fee-paying UH-Mānoa students, as well as faculty and staff.
(Mouse over link for a description of its contents)
These guides were created either for specific courses or on specific subjects.
If you have a citation for a work and it does not appear to be held by UH-Mānoa (or the UH system libraries), you can request that it be sent to the library via Inter-Library Loan (used primarily for books, films or other items that require physical delivery) or Document Delivery (for journal articles, which are usually delivered to you electronically). Mouse over the links below for more information. Interlibrary loan and document delivery services are free to fee-paying UH-Mānoa students, as well as faculty and staff.
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