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Jean Charlot Collection: José Guadalupe Posada Prints

Artist Jean Charlot's extensive personal collection of prints and broadsides by Mexican artist José Guadalupe Posada.

Crimes & Sensational Events

!!Horrible y Espantosisimo Acontecimiento!!
!! Horrible and Most Fearful Event!!
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso, etching

Espantoso Crimen Nunca Visto! !!Mujer Peor que las Fieras!!
Unheard Of Fearful Crime! !! A Woman Worse than the Beasts!!
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso

Lamentable y Espantoso Ejemplo Ocurrido en el Pueblo de La Barco en el Estado de Jalisco el Dia 4 de Diciembre del Ano Proximo Pasada
Sad and Frightening Story Which Occurred in the town of La Barca in the State of Jalisco on December 4 of Last Year
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso

!Horroroso Asesinato! Acaecido en la Ciudad de Tuxpan en el Dia 10 del Presente Mes Y Ano, por Maria Antonio Rodrigues, que Mato a su Compadre por no Condescender a las Relaciones de Ilicita Amistad
!Horrible Assasination! Committed in the City of Tuxpan on the 10th Day of this Month And Year, by Maria Antonio Rodrigues, who Killed her Godson's Father for his Rejection of her Amorous Advances
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
Signed: Posada

Same as above, but an engraving.

!Horripilantisimo Suceso! Una Madre que de Scuartiza a su Hijo Recien Nacido en Dieciocho Pedazos, el Martes 13 de Agosto de 1905.
!Hair Raising Event! A Mother Who Hacks Her New Born Son Into 18 Pieces on Tuesday August 13, 1905.
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1905.
Continued verso

Horripilante Crimen! Una Mujer que Mata a su Hijo en Tacubaya el Sabado 18 de Marzo del Presente Ano de 1905
Hair Raising Crime! A Woman Who Kills Her Son in Tacubaya on Saturday March 18 of The Present Year
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1905.
Verso is: Los Tres Fulminados
The Three Electrocuted (Men)

Los Roba-Chicos En Mexico Desaparicion Misteriosa de 49 Ninos
Kidnappers In Mexico Mysterious Disappearance of 49 Children
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1907.
Continued verso

Muy Interesante Noticia: De Los Cuatro Asesinatos por el Desgraciado Antonio Sanchez en el Pueblo de San Jose Iturbide, Edo, de Guanajuato, Quien despues del Horrible Crimen se Comico los Restos de su Propio Hijo
Very Interesting Notice: Of the Four Murders by the Wretched Antonio Sanchez in the Town of San Jose Iturbide, State of Guanajuato, who after the Horrible Crime Ate the Remains of his Own Son
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1907.
Continued verso

Same as above but with varying printer's decorations.

Horrible Tragedia Pasional: Un Gendarme Mata a su Novia Cruelmente
Horrible Tragedy Of Passion: A Policeman Cruelly Kills His Sweetheart
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1912.
Signed: Posada
Continued verso

Espantosisimo y Terrible Acontecimiento en la Ciudad de Silao en los Primeros Dias Del Siglo XX !Suicidio de un Rico Envidioso!
Very Fearful And Terrible Event in the City of Silao in the First Days of the 20th Century !Suicide of an Envious Rich Man!
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso

Asombroso Suceso Una Vil Hija
Frightening Act of A Worthless Daughter
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Continued verso

!!Las Mujeres Martirizadas!! Crimenes Nunca Vistos en la Ciudad de Mexico por Ramon Palma
!!The Martyred Women!! Crimes Never Seen in the City of Mexico, by Ramon Palma
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso

!Terrible y Veradera Noticia! Del Espantoso Ejemplar Ocurrido con Norberta Reyes; y que cerca de la Ciudad De Zamora Asesino a sus Padres el Dia 2 del Pasado del Presente Ano
Terrible And Full News! Of The Frightful Happening With Norberta Reyes: And Who Near the City of Zamora Killed her Parents on the 2nd of Last Month of the Current Year
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1910.
Continued verso

Horrorosa Noticia Robo Sacrilego
Horrible Notice Sacrilegious Robbery
Broadside, engraving & wood cut
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Continued verso

Los Espantosisimos Fantasmas de las Torres de Loreto
The Most Frightening Phantoms of the Towers of Loreto
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.

Misteriosos Fantasmas en las Bovedas de Loreto
Mysterious Phamtons in the Crypts of Loreto
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.

!!Espantosisimo Crimen!! Dos Ninos Extrangulados la Noche del 2
de Diciembre del Presente Ano en la Casa num. 2 de la 1 Calle de Matias
Romero una Cuadra Antes de la Penitenciaria

!!Fearful Crime!! Two Children Strangled on the Night of December 2
of This Year at the House #2, Block 1 of Matias Romero Street, One
Block from the Penetentiary
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso

La Sensacional Fuga de Cinco Presos de la Carcel de Belen
The Sensational Escape of Five Prisoners of the Jail of Belen
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso, engraving

Sorprendente Monstruo: El Nino De Cuatro Piernas Sin Brazos Y Sin Manos! !Singularisimo Fenomeno!
Surprising Monster: The Child Of Four Legs Without Arms And Without Hands! !Singular Phenomenon!
Broadside, engraving
8x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso

Palpable Ejemplo de un Perverso Hijo que Fue Consignado al Ejercito y Librado de las Balas por Invocacion que Hizo su Senora Madre al Justo Juez.
Obvious Example of a Perverse Child who Conscripted to the Army and Freed of the Crimes by Invocating what His Mother did to the Fair Judge.
Broadside, engraving
8x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso

!Horrorosa Noticia! - Robo Sacrilego y Asesinato del Senor Cura en la Iglesia Parroquial del Pueblo de Zahuaya, Cometido por un Impio Llamado Celso Flores.
!Horrible Notice! - Sacrilegious Robbery and the Assassination of the Priest in the Parochial Church of the Town of Zahuaya, Committed by an Impious [Person]
Named Celso Flores.
Broadside, wood engraving
7x9 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso

Asesinato de la Senorita Carlota Gutierrez y Canales por su Novio Arnulfo Villegas.
The Asssassination of the Young Lady Carlota Gutierrez Y Canales by
her Boyfriend Novio Villegas.
Broadside, uncut two pages, etching
12x16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.

Same as above but printed on front and back.

Guadalupe Bejarano en las Bartolinas de Belen. Careo Entre la Mujer Verdugo y Su Hijo.
Guadalupe Bejarano in the Prisons of Bethlehem.
Confrontation Between the Evil Woman and Her Son.
Broadside, engraving
12x16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.

!!Horrible y Espantoso Crimen!! Perpetradoa Mediados del Mes de Agosto de 1900. Una Mujer Matada a Bastonazos Dentro de una Cueva en La Villa de Guadalupe.--Una Nina Abandonada. Extracto del Suceso:
Horrible and Frightening Crime! Perpetrated in the Middle of the Month of August, 1900. A Woman Beaten To Death Inside a Cave in the La Villa de Guadalupe.--An Abandoned Child. Extract of the Event.
Broadside, etching
8x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1900.
Signed: Posada
Continued Verso

Crimen Nunca Visto! Tomas Sanchez, Barbero que esta Establecido in Saltillo, Deguella a su Tierna e Indefensa Hija de 11 anos de edad, Declarando Dicho Individuo Haber Cometido Otro Repugnante Crimen en la Persona de la Referida Nina.
Crime Never Seen! Tomas Sanchez, A Barber who was Established in Saltillo, Cut Off the Head of his Helpless 11-year-old Daughter, Delaring the Said Individual Had Committed Another Repugnant Crime in the Persona of the Referred Daughter.
Broadside, etching
8x12 in.
Mexico, Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso

!Extrano Y Nunca Visto Acontecimiento! !Un Cerdo con Cara de Hombre Ojos de Pescado y un Cuerno en la Frente!
Strange And Never Before Seen Event! A Pig with a Face of a Man, Eyes of a Fish and a Horn in the Front!
Broadside, etching
8x12 in.
Mexico, Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1900.
Verso is: !Senores, el Hombre Cerdo Que En La Guasima Nacio, A Todo el Mundo Ha Llenado de Espanto y Admiracion!
Gentlemen, the Man Pig Was Born In La Guasima, And Everyone Was Filled With Fear and Admiration!

El Fusilamiento del Soldado Bruno Apresa en el Llano de la Vaquita, el Dia 29 de Abril de 1904 a las 6 de la Manana.
The Execution of the Soldier Bruno Apresa on the Plain of the Vaquita, on the 29th of April, 1904 at 6 in the Morning.
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso

El Fusilamiento de Francisco Martines, en la Ciudad De Pachuca
The Execution of Francisco Martines, in the City of Pachuca
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1906.
Continued verso

La Prision de Rodolfo Gaona y Suicidio de la Srita. Maria Luisa Noeker
The Emprisonment of Rodolfo Gaona and the Suicide of the Young Lady Maria
Luisa Noeker
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: Reflexiones Dolorosas - De Rodolfo Gaona en su Bartolina Belem.
Painful Reflections - Of Rodolfo Gaona in his Belem Cell

La Libertad Caucional del Famoso Diestro Rodolfo Gaona
Release on Bail of the Famous Bullfighter Rodolfo Gaona
Broadside, etching
8 x 12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N. D.
Continued verso

Suicidio Causado por Envenenamiento y Celos de Dos Senoritas en el Bosque de Chapultepec A Inmediaciones Del Castillo. Una Carta. Un Abrazo Estrecho. Un Toxico Violentisimo. La Convulsion Y La Muerte.
The Suicide Caused by Poisoning and Jealousy of Two Young Ladies in the Forest of Chapultepec in the Neighborhood of the Castillo. A Letter. A Close Embrace. A Very Violent Poison. Convulsion and Death.
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso, engraving

!El Ahorcado en la Catedral Suicidio Nunca Visto! Profanacion del Templo!
!The Hanged Man in the Cathedral Suicide Never Before Seen! Profanity in the Temple!
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1906.
continued verso, etching

Jesus Negrete (A) El Tigre de Santa Julia Fusilado en La Carcel de Belem.
Jesus Negrete (Known As) The Tiger of Santa Julia Executed in the Jail of Belen.
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1910.
Verso is: Ultimas Palabras de Jesus Negrete (a) "El Tigre de Santa Julia."
Last Words Of Jesus Negrete (known as) "The Tiger of Santa Julia."
Signed: Posada

El Fusilamiento de Jesus Negrete
The Execution of Jesus Negrete
Broadside, etching
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1910.

La Vida de un Bandolero: Los crimenes mas Notables de Jesus Negrete
The Life of a Bandit: The most Notable Crimes de Jesus Negrete
Broadside, etching
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, n.d.
Signed: Posada

Muerte De Aurelio Caballero por el Vomito, en Veracruz
Death of Aurelio Caballero from Vomiting, in Veracruz
Broadside, engraving
12x16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.

Los Siete Fusilados del Estado de Toluca
The Seven Executed in the State of Toluca
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1902.
Continued verso

Versos de Valentin Mancera Traidos del Estado de Guanajuato
Verses Of Valentin Mancera Brought from the State of Guanajuato
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1882.
Continued verso

Fusilamiento del Soldado del 2o, Batallon Regional Julio Garcia
Execution of Julio Garcia, Soldier of the 2nd Regional Battalion
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1907.
Continued verso

El Fusilamiento de Dionisio Silverio En Metepec, El Dia 8 de Septiembre de 1903
The Execution of Dionisio Silverio in Metepec, September 8, 1903
Broadside, engraving
8x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1903.
Continued verso

Las Proximas Ejecuciones de Justicia Cuatro Sentenciados a la Muerte
The Next Executions of Justice Four Sentenced to Death
Broadside, engraving
12x16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.

El Sargento Juan Diaz Condenado a Muerte
Sergeant Juan Diaz Condemned to Death
Broadside, etching
12x16 in.
Signed: Posada

Jesus Bruno Martinez en las bartolinas de Belen Ultimas Noticias de S. Juan de Ulua Las Alhajas de Treffiel.
Jesus Bruno Martinez in the Prison Bars of Belen Final Notices of San Juan of Ulua The Jewels of Treffiel.
Broadside, engraving
12x16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.

Triste Fin Que Tuvo en Mexico Pues Fue Presto [Sic] Fusilado, Don Gustavo El Fatidico, El Famoso Ojo Parado
The Sad End In Mexico of Don Gustavo, the Prophet,the famous Seeing Eye, for He was Promptly Executed
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Continued verso

!Tristisima Despedida como El Alma del Soldado, Que Dijo al Ser Fusilado Rafael Mendez, Tan Sentida!
!The Emotional Most Sad Farewell which Rafael Mendez Made upon his Execution
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1908.
Verso is: La Ejecucion
The Execution

Las Ultimas Horas del Fusilado Rosalio Millan
The Last Hours of the Executed Rosalio Millan
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso

Verdaderos Versos de Macario Romero
True Verses of Macario Romero
Broadside, engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, n.d.

Verdaderos Versos de Macario Romero
True Verses of Macario Romero
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1912,

Verdaderos Versos de Macario Romero
Same as above but green, lacks date, and printing decorations vary.

Verdaderos Versos de Macario Romero
Same as above but with varying printing decorations and has date: 1914.

Ya la Authoridad Echo Garra al Malvado Ignacio Parra
The Authorities Have Hooked the Evil Ignacio Parra
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1903.
Signed: Posada.

Ya la Authoridad Echo Garra al Malvado Ignacio Parra.
Same as above but orange, varying printing decorations, and has date: 1915,

Ya la Authoridad Echo Garra al Malvado Ignacio Parra.
Same as above but yellow, varying printing decorations, and has date: 1911.

Ya la Authoridad Echo Garra al Malvado Ignacio Parra.
Same as above but green, varying printing decorations, and has date:1914.

El Corrido de Heracleo Bernal
The Ballad of Heracleo Bernal
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, n.d.

Corrido de la Vida de Santanon
Ballad of the life of Santanon
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911,

Los Autores de Crimen de la Profesa en Veracruz con Direccion a San Juan de Ulua
The Perpetrators of the Crime on Profesa [Street] are on their Way
to San Juan de Ulua
Broadside, engraving
16 x 12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, n.d.