El Motin de los Estudiantes. - Lluvia de Piedras. - Los Sucesos de la Noche. -El Cafe de la Concordia. - El Universo. - Heridos.
The Student Uprising. - Shower of Stones. - The Events of the Evening. - The Concordia Cafe. - The Universe. - The Wounded.
Newspaper, engraving
13x15 in.
Mexico: May, 1892.
Signed: Posada
In: Gaceta Callejera, num. 1
Continuacion de las Manifestaciones Anti-Reeleccionistas. - Los Acontecimientos del Martes. - Las Calles del Reloj Y S. Ildefonso. - Alarma del Comercio.
Continuation of the Anti-Re-electionists Manifestos. - The Events of Tuesday. - The Streets of Reloj And S. Ildefonso. - Business Alarmed.
Newspaper, engraving
13x15 in.
Mexico: May, 1892.
In: Gaceta Callejera, num. 2
Sensible Defuncion. Hoy a las 9 Y 5 Minutos de la Manana, Fallecio El Senor Don Manuel Romero Rubio, Ministro de Gobernacion.
A Sad Death. Today at 9:05 in the Morning, Mr. Manuel Romero Rubio, Minister of the Interior Died.
Newspaper, engraving
13x15 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, October 3, 1895.
In: Gaceta Callejera, num. 26
Inmemorables Recuerdos de la Plaza de Toros en Mixcoac
Immortal Memories of the Plaza de Toros in Mixcoac
Newspaper, engraving
13x15 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, May 25, 1894.
In: Gaceta Callejera, num. 18
Gran Inauguracion del Nuevo Hipodromo Situado en El Penon de la Ciudad de Mexico
Grand Inauguration of the New Hippodrome Situated in The Penon of Mexico
Newspaper, engraving
13x15 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, December 3, 1893.
Red and green
In: Gaceta Callejera, num. 14
La Prensa Del Pueblo Organo Periodistico, Revolucionario, Politico y de Combate del "Partido de la Defensa del Pueblo"
The People's Press, The Journalistic Revolutionary, Political and Combat Arm of the People's Defense Party
Newspaper, engraving
8x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, September, 1943.
Num. 12, an entire issue, pgs. 1-8
Printed: Grabado de Jose Guadalupe Posada.
?Fco. Villa Ha Capturado Al Gral. Murguia? 7 Revolucionarios Fusilados en el Edo. do Hidalgo Horrible Asesinato En Sta. Julia
?Has Francisco Villa Captured General Murguia? 7 Revolutionaries
Shot in the State of Hidalgo Horrible Assassination in Santa Julia
Newspaper, engraving
16x24 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Red lettering
In: El Boletina
Los llamados 'Guadalupanos' se apoderan del Santuario de Ntra. Sra. De Los Remedios? Una Portentosa Aparicion De la Virgen de Guadalupe
The So-Called 'Guadalupanos' Seized The Sanctuary of Our Lady De Los Remedios (Of Remedies, Solutions) A Prodigious Apparition Of the Virgin of Guadalupe
Newspaper, engraving
16x24 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1925.
In: El Boletin
Francisco Villa Desentierra Tesoros Vendra a Mexico para Devolver los a sus Duenos Los Hermanos Arrieta Levantados en Armas Nueva Prision Militar
Francisco Villa Unearths Treasures Will Return To Mexico To Give Them Back to their Owners The Brothers Arrieta In Revolt A New Military Prison Newspaper, etching
16x24 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Red and black lettering
In: El Boletin
El Jefe de la Policia de Morelia Jura Matar Catolicos Los Diputados Bolcheviques Consignados al Gran Jurado Iba a ser Volado Tecolote con Bombas de Dinamita Ladrones de Autos Capturadoes a Balazos por la Policia
The Chief of Police of Morelia Swears To Kill Catholics Bolshevik Deputies Consigned to the Grand Jury Tecolote Was About to Be Blown Up with Dynamite Bombs Auto Thieves Captured Under Gunfire by Police
Newspaper, etching
16x24 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Red and black lettering
In: El Boletin
El Gral. Lucio Blanco Fue Capturado en Texas Las Fuerzas del Gnrl. Guadalupe Sanchez Roban Saquean y asaltan ?Esas son las Decantadas garantias del Gobierno? P. Gonzalez con Gente Armada Penetra a Territorio Nacional La Secretaria de Guerra Ordena Sea Batido Energicamente Angustiosa Agonia de un Ahorcado
General Lucio Blanco Was Captured In Texas The Forces Of General Guadalupe Sanchez Rob, Plunder, and Assault Are Those The Guaranties of the Government? P. Gonzales With Armed People Penetrates the National Territory The Secretary Of War Orders He Be Strongely Crushed Anguished Agony of a Hanged Man
Newspaper, etching
16x24 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Red and black lettering
In: El Boletin
La Basilica Y Puerlo [i.e. Pueblo] De Guadalupe Volados con Dinamita! Tres Arzobispos Fusilados por lo del Cerro de el "Cubilete"! Los accidentes en la via publica no han Aumentado. Siete Muertos a Causa de una Gran Explocion
The Basilica And Town Of Guadalupe Blown Up With Dynamite! Three Archbishops Shot by the Side of Cubilete Hill Accidents On The Public Highway Have Not Risen? Seven Deaths Caused by a Great Explosion
Newspaper, engraving and etching
16x24 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
In: El Boletin
Muerte del General Manuel Gonzales, en la Hacienda de Chapingo el dia 8 de Mayo de 1893, a las 12 v (sic) 38 minutos del dia.
Death of General Manuel Gonzales, at the Hacienda de Chapingo on the 8th of May, 1893, at 12:38 p.m.
Newspaper, engraving
12x16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, May, 1983.
In: Gaceta Callejera, num. 7
La Guacamaya
Some nos. in Charlot Collection missing.
Contains some illustration by Posada.
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