!Espantosisimos Terremotos y Formidable Incendio en San Francisco California! !La Ciudad Entre Las Llamas! - Millares de Victimas! - !Catastrofe Nunca Vista!
Frightful Earthquakes and Terrible Fire In San Francisco, California! The City In Flames! Thousands Of Victims! Catastrophe Never Before Seen!
Broadside, engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
Terrible Expl[o]sion en Tacubaya D. F. Mas de Cuatrocientas Victimas Entre Muertos Y Heridos Una Gondola de los Tranvias Electricos Cargada con Polvora Causa una Hecatombe Horrible.
Terrible Explosion in Tacubaya D.F. More Than Four Hundred Victims in Deaths and Casualities An Electric Streetcar Loaded with Gun Powder Caused A Horrible Catastrophe
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: Espantosa Hecatombe Ocurrida el 19 del
Presente en la Ciudad de Tacubaya
Frightful Disaster Occured the 19 of this Morning in the City of Tacubaya
Las Tremendis y Horrosos Inundaciones de Celaya, Salamanca, Silao, Irapuato, Bajio, Y Guanajuato.
The Tremendous and Horrible Floods in Celaya, Salamanca, Silao, Irapuato, Bajio, y Guanajuato.
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1912
Continued verso: Las Inundaciones de Celaya, etching
The Floods of Celaya
Nota Sensacional Huelga de Motoristas Ultimatum de Los Huelguistas Conductores y Empleados de Tranvias Electricos.
Sensational News Motorists' Strike Ultimatum Of The Strikers, Conductors, And Electric Streetcar Employees.
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Verso is: Huelga de Empleados de los Tranvias De Mexico.
Streetcar Employees Of Mexico Strike, etching
El Gran Descarrilamiento del Ferrocarril Central en Zacatecas !Diez Muertos y 75 Heridos!
The Mass Derailment of the Central Railroad in Zacatecas Ten Dead and 75 Wounded!
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: A Morenita. (Nueva Cancion)
To My Little Brunette (New Song)
Versos Del Temblor Dicen Que No. (Cancion Moderna)
Verses of The Earthquake They Say No. (Modern Song)
Broadside, engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1908.
Verso is: Amor Cundo Muere (Cancion Moderna) Te Amo en Secreto. (Danza)
Love When You Die (Modern Song) I Love You Secretly. (Dance)
Espantoso Incendio en el Palacio de Hierro Angustiosa Muerte de un Bombero Ocho Bomberos Heridos en Cumplimiento de su Deber Perdida de Varios Millones Depesos.
Frightful Fire In The Iron Palace Distressing Death of a Fireman Eight Firemen Wounded while Carrying Out their Duties Loss Of Several Millions in Pesos
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
El Volcan del Penon de Mexico y los de "El Popocatepetl" y el del "Pelee"
The Volcano Of The Craggy Rock Of Mexico And Those of "El Popocatepetl" and That of "Pelee"
Broadside, etching
12 x in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: El Volcan (Nueva Cancion De Oportuidad)
The Volcano (New Song Of Opportunity)
El Terrible Choque del Ferrocarril Mexicano en las Cumbres de Maltrata
The Terrible Collision of the Mexican Railroad in the Summit of Maltrata
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1908.
Verso is: "Ya Te Lo Dije y Tu No Me Entiendes." Wals, engraving
"I Already Told You And You Don't Get It" Waltz
!Terribles Inundaciones en la Piedad, Mixcoac, Tacuba y la Calzada de la Veronica! !Una Mujer Y Un Nino Drowned! !Cerca de Quince Mil Pesos de Perdidas! - !Dios En Todo Y Para Todos!
Terrible Floods In the Piedad, Mixcoac, Tacuba and the Calzada de la Veronica! A Woman And A Child Suffocated! Nearly Fifteen Million Pesos In Losses! God In All And For All!
Broadside, engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
El Cometa del Centenario de la Independencia 1810 Mexico 1910
The Comet of the Century of the 1810 Independence Mexico 1910
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1910.
Verso is: Versos Del Cometa La Morenita. (Danza) El Apasionado Cancion Moderna
Verses Of The Comet The Little Brunette (Dance) The Impassioned Modern Song
Same as above but with varying printer's decorations and with additional image on verso
Terribilisma Inundacion en el Barrio de San Luisito de la Ciudad de Monterrey El Dia 15 De Agosto De 1903! Considerables Perdidas! !Casas Destruidas!
The Most Terrible Flood in the Neighborhood of San Ludito in the City of Monterrey the 15th of August, 1903 Considerable Losses! Houses Destroyed!
Broadside, engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1903.
Continued verso with additional verse.
Terrible Inundacion en las Ciudades de Malaga, Veloz y Pueblo del Colemar Mas De 200 Ahogados Muchas Familias Sin Hogar
Terrible Flood in the Cities of Malaga, Veloz And the Town of Colemar More Than 200 Drowned Many Families Homeless
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1907.
Continued verso
La Inundacion de Guanajuato y su Causa Verdadera
The Flood of Guanajuato and Its True Cause
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Verso is: Noche Fatal La del Treinta del Mes De Junio Pasado, Tupavoroso Recuerdo Quedar a Siempre Quardado., etching
Fatal Night of the Thirtieth of Last June, Tupavoroso The Overwhelming Memory Will Always Remain
Tristisimas Consideraciones por la Inundacion de Guanajuato Catastrofe del Ferrocarril Central
Sad Considerations for the Flood of Guanajuato Catastrophe of the Central Railroad
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Verso is: La Grandisima Inundacion de Guanajuato El Dia 30 de Junio de 1905 a Las 4 de la Tarde
The Greatest Flood Of Guanajuato 30 Of June, 1905 At 4 in the Afternoon
Quemazon en el Baratillo de Tepito
Huge Fire in the Bargain Goods Shop of Tepito
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
La Catastrofee de Guanajuato (Nuevo Corrido)
The Catastrophe of Guanajuato
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: Angelilla. (Polka Mode)
Angelilla. (Polka Mode)
Corrido Guanajuatense del Horrible Descarrilamiento de Silao
Guanajuata Ballad of the Horrible Derailment of Silao
Broadside, engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1920.
Ejemplar y Ciertisimo Suceso En La Republica Mexicana Las Verdaderas Causas del Temblor del Dia 2 de Noviembre de 1894 A Los Padres Y Madres de Familia
A Cautionary and True Event In The Mexican Republic The True Causes of the Earthquake on the 2nd of November, 1894 To the Fathers and Mothers of Family
Broadside, engraving
12 x 16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1910.
Verso is: Sublime Creador del Cielo y de la Tierra, Senor! Libranos de Otro Temblor Y Mandanos
El Consuelo., engraving
Sublime Creator of Heaven and Earth! Save Us from Another Earthquake And Give Us Comfort.
Se Aproxima el Fin del Mundo Las Profecias Se Cumplen Temblores, Erupciones, Guerras, Pestes, Hambres E Incendios. La Celebre Madre Matiana.
The End Of The World Is Near Prophecies Come True Earthquakes, Eruptions, Wars, Diseases, Famine, And Fires. The Celebrated Mother Matiana.
Broadside, engraving
12 x 16 in.
Verso is: El Mundo Toca a su Fin Segun Viejas Predicciones Que Anuncian Desgracias Mil De Guerras Y Destrucciones
The World Is Coming To Her End According to Old Predictions that Foretell Thousands of Wars and Destructions
El Hacedor del Mundo Sigue Descargando Sobre Nosotros Su Justo Enojo, Haciendonos Sufrir Sus Calamidades.
Creator of the World Continues Afflicting Us With His Just Anger Making Us Suffer His Calamities.
Broadside, engraving
12 x 16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (etching)
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Hand colored yellow, red, blue, green, orange
Formidable Inundacion en la Colonia Valle Gomez
Formidable Flood in the Colony of Valle Gomez
Broadside, etching
8x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Signed: Posada
Verso is: Escenas Chuscas de la Inundacion.
Funny Stages of the Flood
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