Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Tambores y Cornetas Canto Guerrero Inedito para Musica
Drums and Coronets War Song Unpublished for Music
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Signed: Posada
Verso: Actos Heroicos
Heroic Acts
Corrido de Petrita Ven y Ven
Ballad of Petrita Come, Come
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1920.
Valentina Nuevo Corrido Medio-Paso de Moda
Valentina New Ballad The Half-Step in Mode
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1915.
Un Paseo de la Mejor en la Nacion Mexicana, por San Juan, El Volador
The Best Stroll (Pub Crawl) in the Mexican Nation, by San Juan, The Barfly. A Drinking Song
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
Mi Grandota Nuevas Y Divertidas Decimas
My Big Gal New And Entertaining Verses (10 Lines)
Broadside, etching & engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1914.
Continued verso, etching
Mi Grandota Nuevas y Divertidas Decimas
My Big Gal New And Entertaining Verses (10 Lines)
Broadside, engraving & etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Continued verso
Alejandra Letra Arreglada al Popular Wals del Mismo Nombre y Uruapam Cancion Moderna Dedicada a Esta Bella Poblacion
Alexandra Lyrics to the Waltz of the Same Name and Uruapam Modern Song Dedicated to these Beautiful People
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Tiernas Suplicas con que Invocan las Jovenes de Cuantenata Anos al Milagroso San Antonio de Papual Pidiendole su Consuelo
Tender Requests Invoked by Forty-year-old Young Women to the Miracle Worker Saint Anthony Asking for this Condolence
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1914.
Signed: Posada
Continued verso
Tiernas Suplicas con que Invocan las Jovenes de Cuanenta Anos al Milagroso San Antonio de Papual Pidiendole su Consuelo
Tender Requests Invoked By Forty-Year-Old Young Women to the Miracle Worker Saint Anthony Asking for his Condolence
Broadside, wood cut with engravings
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Signed: Posada
Verso is: El Apasionado
The Passionate Man
El Pagare de la Charrita Mexicana
The I.O.U. of the Mexican Country Girls
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
Gran Corrida de Toros en las Calles y Alameda de Mexico el Miercoles Santo del Ano de 1908. Catorce Toros Escapados
Grand Bullfight in the Street and Flats of Mexico on Holy Wednesday, 1908. Fourteen Escaped Bulls
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1908.
Verso is: Adios a mi Amada, Amor Primero, Perjura
Farewell Beloved, First Love, Perjury
El Pagare O Sea La Mujer Chismosa de la Vecindad
The I.O.U. or The Young Horsewoman
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: El Pagare del Cantinero
The I.O.U. of the Bartender
El Pagare O Sea La Mujer Chismosa de la Vecindad
The I.O.U. Or The Neighborhood Gossip
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1912.
Verso is: El Pagare Del Cantinero, etching
The I.O.U. of The Bartender
El Pagare O Sea La Mujer Chismosa de la Vecindad
The I.O.U. Or The Neighborhood Gossip
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1913.
Continued verso, etching & engraving
Letra Arreglada al Popular Wals Alejandra Cancion Moderna Dedicada a La Bella Uruapam
Lyrics to the Popular Waltz Alejandra Modern Song Dedicated To Beautiful Uruapam
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
El Valiente De Guadalajara
The Brave Of Guadalajara
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso: El Rentoy Musica de la Popular Danza "El Beso."
The Winning Hand To the Music of the Popular Danza, "The Kiss"
Versos Muy Extravagantes Divertidos y Fabulosos de Beir y Pasabel Bato para Todos Los Curiosos
Very Extravagant Verses Entertaining and Fabulous for All Interested Parties To Laugh and Enjoy Awhile
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: Las Estrellas (Danza Moderna)
The Stars (Modern Dance)
Versos Muy Extravagantes Divertidos y Fabulosos de Beir y Pasabel Bata para Todas Los Curiosos
Very Extravagant Verses Entertaining and Fabulous for All Interested Parties To Laugh and Enjoy Awhile
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Printer's decorations vary from above.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: Las Estrellas (Danza Moderna)
The Stars (Modern Dance)
Versos Muy Extravagantes Divertidos y Fabulosos de Beir y Pasabel Bata para Todas Los Curiosos
Very Extravagant Verses Entertaining And Fabulous For All Interested Parties To Laugh And Enjoy Awhile
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Printer's decorations vary from above.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1908.
Verso is: Las Estrellas (Danza Moderna)
The Stars (Modern Dance)
Versos Muy Extravagantes Divertidos Fabulosos de Beir y Pasabel Bata para Todas Los Curiosos
Very Extravagant Verses Entertaining And Fabulous For All Interested Parties To Laugh And Enjoy Awhile
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Printer's decorations vary from above.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Verso is: Las Estrellas (Danza Moderna)
The Stars (Modern Dance)
Legitimos Versos de Lino Zamora Traidos del Real de Zacatecas
Authentic Verses about Lino Zamora Brought from Zacatecas Town
Broadside, wood cut
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso, etching
Signed: Posada
Legitimos Versos de Lino Zamora Traidos del Real de Zacatecas
Authentic Verses about Lino Zamora Brought from Zacatecas Town
Broadside, wood cut
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1902.
Continued verso, etching
Legitimos Versos De Lino Zamora Traidos del Real de Zacatecas
Authentic Verses about Lino Zamora Brought from Zacatecas Town
Broadside, wood cut
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Continued verso, etching
Signed: Posada
Legitimos Versos De Lino Zamora Traidos del Real de Zacatecas
Authentic Verses about Lino Zamora Brought from Zacatecas Town
Broadside, wood cut
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1909.
Verso is: "Oye, Tu, la Mujer de Don Vincente, wood cut
"Hey, You, Mr. Vincente's Wife"
Versos para Cantarse con el Popular Paso Doble Flamenco Titulado Machaquito
Verses to Be Sung to the Popular Flamenco Two-Step Called Machaquito
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1907.
Repelito de Catrines que les Gusta en Amorar y Figuran Mil Jardines sin Hallar en Sus Confines Ni un Cigarro Que Fumar
Tweaking the Dandies Who Like to Flirt and Who Sniff at a Thousand Flowers Unsuccessfully [i,e, At a Thousand Gardens Without Finding in their Midst a Single Cigar to Smoke]
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Signed: Posada
Continued verso
Repelito De Catrines Que les Gusta en Amorar y Figuran Mil Jardines Sin Hallar en Sus Confines Ni Un Cigarro Que Fumar
Tweaking the Dandies Who Like To Flirt and Who Sniff at a Thousand Flowers Unsuccessfully
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Printer's decorations vary from above.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Signed: Posada
Continued verso, etching
! La Gran Ascencion de D. Joaquin Cantolla y Rico Corrido Cantado por Don Chepito Mariguano en la Capital de Mexico
The Great Take Off of Don. Joaquin Cantolla Rico Ballad Sung by Chepito Mariguano in Mexico City
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1902.
Verso is: Recuerdas E La Campana De La Independencia, etching
Memories Of The Bell Of Independence
Versos Nuevos de un Espantado Dios Me Libre del Demonio, de un Escribano Sin Juez - y de un Muchacho Travieso y de una Mala Muger [Sic, i.e.: Mujer]
New Verses from a Scared Person God Save Me From the Devil, from a Scribe without A Judge - And from a Mischievous Child and from a Bad Woman
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1914.
El Gran Descarrilamiento de Temamatla Corrido Popular
The Grand Derailment Of Temamatla Popular Ballad
Broadside, etching
8x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1903.
Verso is: Carmela (Danza), wood cut
Carmela (Dance)
El Ultimo Despedimento al Relox de Catedral
The Final Goodbye to the Cathedral's Clock
Broadside, etching
8x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1905.
Verso is: Las Nuevas Campanas del Relox de Catedral
The New Bells of the Cathedral Clock
"La Feria De San Juan de los Lagos"
"The Fair of San Juan de los Lagos"
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1910.
Continued verso
Loa en Honor de La Stma. Virgen de la Soledad
Praise in Honor of the Most Holy Virgin of Solitude
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1903.
Continued verso
La Arranquera Esto Si Que Es un Grande Apuro Ya No Se Consigue un Duro
Poverty This Is a Great Worry Not a Single Coin is Available
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1912.
Verso is: La Virgencita Danza Cancion Si Tu Me A Maras, etching
The Virgin Dance Song If You Would Love Me
La Arranquera Esto Si Que Es Grande Apuro Ya No Se Consigue un Duro!
Poverty This Is a Great Worry Not a Single Coin is Available
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Verso is: La Virgencita Danza Cancione Si Tu Me A Maras, etching
The Virgin Dance Song If You Would Love Me
La Arranquera Esto Si Que Es Un Grande Apuro Ya No Se Consigue un Duro
Poverty This Is A Great Worry Not a Single Coin Is Available
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Verso is: La Virgencita Danza Cancione Si Tu Me A Maras, etching
The Virgin Dance Song If You Would Love Me
La Arranquera Esto Se Que Es Un Grande Apuro Ya No Se Consigue un Duro
Poverty This Is a Great Worry Not a Single Coin is Available
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Verso is: La Virgencita Danza Cancione Si Tu Me A Maras, etching
The Virgin Dance Song If You Would Love Me
Nuevas Coplas del Chin Chan
ew Verses from Chin Chan
Broadside, wood cut
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: El Polichinela, Parodia de la Rumanza, Las Nubes Encapotadas etching
The Comedian, Parody of The CCC Love Song, A Sky of Dark Clouds
La Pobreza Reinante
The Reigning Poverty
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1912.
Verso is: El Pagare
The I.O.U.
Nuevo Corrido O Sea Canto Taurino Dedicado a Rodolfo Gaona
A New Song Or A Bullfighting Song Dedicated to Rodolfo Gaona
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1908.
Verso is: Esther Wals
Esther Waltz
El Amor de Madre
A Mother's Love
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
Senora, Su Conejito ya no le Gusta el Zacate, Solo Quiere Chocolate que Animal Tan Picudito!
Madam, Your Little Rabbit No Longer Likes Grass Only Wants Chocolate What A Picky Little Animal!
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso: Ya Es Feliz La Capital, Ya Se Acabo La Pobreza Echen Copas de Cerveza !Viva el Banco Nacional!
Now The Capital Is Happy, Poverty Has Ended Fill Up The Beer Cups Long Live the National Bank!
Senora Su Conejito, Ya no le Gusta el Zacate, Solo Quiere Chocolate Que Animal Tan Picudito!
Madam, Your Little Rabbit No Longer Likes Grass Only Wants Chocolate What A Picky Little Animal!
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Verso is: Los Chamacos La Diadema
The Polka Boys The Diadem
Las Campanas del Nuevo Relox en El Atrio de Catedral de Mexico, Llegadas en el Mes de Junio de 1905.
The Bells of the New Clock in the Atrium of the Cathedral of Mexico, Which Arrived in June 1905.
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Verso: Lamentos de la Moneda Que Por Su Injusta Presion la Pobrecita Se Queda Fuera de Circulacion
Lament of the [Silver] Coin Which Due to Prejudice, Poor Thing, Does Not Circulate
La Continuacion, Senores, De Los Pronosticos Va; Aprendasela de Memoria Que Ya Se Van A Acabar
The Continuation, Sirs, The Prophesies Follow; Memorize Them for They Are Going to Materialize
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1903.
Verso is: Tango del Morrongo, etching
The Cat's Tango
Nuevos y Divertidos Versos de un Valiente del Bajio a Sus Valedores
New and Entertaining Verses about a Brave Man from the Heartland to his Friends
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1902.
Continued verso, etching
Versos Legitimos del Tipico Jarabe Moreliano
Authentic Verses of Tipico Morelian Jarabe
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1919.
Aqui Estan ya los Pronosticos para Saber Lo Que Son Tanto Machos Como Hembras de Este Mundo Tan Traido
Here Are the Prophesies So That They May Be Known To Men as Well as Women about this Very Treacherous World
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1903.
Verso: El Camaron, etching
The Shrimp
Signed: Posada
La Tierra de los Volcanes
The Land of the Volcanos
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1920.
Festivales en el Parque de Balbuena Dedicado a la Honrada Clases Obrera
Festivals in Balbuena Park Dedicated to the Honorable Working Class
Broadside, photo-mechanically etched plate
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1912.
Corrido de un Valiente Oaxaqueno
Song of a Brave Oaxacan
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Continued verso
Loa Dicha por el Dr. Merolico en Honor de Ntra. Sra. de Guadalupe
Praise in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Given by Dr. Merolico
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1904.
Continued verso, etching
Se Va A La Vida Privada El Sr. Pablo Gonzalez?
Mr. Pablo Gonzalez Will Enter Private Life?
Broadside, wood cut
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Danza El Prisionero en San Juan de Ulua
Dance The Prisoner in San Juan of Ulua
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1914.
Danza El Prisionero en San Juan de Ulua
Dance The Prisoner in San Juan of Ulua
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1918.
Danza El Prisionero en San Juan de Ulua
Dance The Prisoner in San Juan of Ulua
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1914.
Verso is: Serafira Polka !Maria! Maria!
Serafira Polka Maria! Maria!
Las Fiestas Patrias De Mexico
The National Holidays of Mexico
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1905.
Continued verso
Corrido de la Penitenciaria de Mexico
Ballad of the Penitentary of Mexico
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1905.
Continued verso
Apuros de un Cazador Corrido Moderno
Difficulties Of A Hunter Modern Ballad
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Nuevos Versos para los Nueve Dias de Jornadas
New Verses for the Nine Days of Pilgrimages
Broadside, engraving
16x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Aires Nacionales para la Temporada de Noche Buena.
National Song for the Christmas Season
16x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: Nuevos Versos para los Nueve Dias De Jornadas, engraving
New Verses For The Nine Days Journeys
Nuevos Versos para las Posadas O Un Aguinaldo Lucido
New Verses for the Posadas Or A Splendid Christmas Gift
Broadside, engraving
16x12 in.
Continued verso, engraving
Corrido de la Cucaracha Que No Ha Salido a Pasear Porque No Tiene Centavitos Que Gastar.
Ballad of the Cockroach Who Has No Time Out for a Stroll Because It Has No Money To Spend
Broadside, etching
8x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Danza de La Culebra
Dance of the Snake
Broadside, etching
8x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: Corrido del Valle Nacional La Proxima Inauguracion en los Llanos de la Penitenciara de San Lazaro
Song of the National Valley The Coming of the Opening of the Penitentiary of San Lazaro
Ayes de Dolor Profundo Que Da un Huerfano Afligido Que da un Huerfano Afligido Que a Sus Padres Ha Perdido y Queda Solo en el Mundo
Lament of Profound Sorrow of a Sad Orphan Who has Lost his Parents and Is All Alone in the World
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1909.
Continued verso
Ayes de Dolor Profundo Que Da Un Huerfano Afligido Que da un Huerfano Afligido Que a Sus Padres Ha Perdido y Queda Solo en el Mundo
Lament of Profound Sorrow of a Sad Orphan Who has Lost his Parents and Is All Alone in the World
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
Ayes de Dolor Profundo Que Da un Huerfano Afligido Que da un Huerfano Afligido Que a Sus Padres Ha Perdido Y Queda Solo en el Mundo
Lament of Profound Sorrow of a Sad Orphan Who has Lost his Parents and Is All Alone in the World
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
Ayes de Dolor Profundo Que Da un Huerfano Afligido Que da un Huerfano Afligido Que a Sus Padres Ha Perdido Y Queda Solo en el Mundo
Lament of Profound Sorrow of a Sad Orphan Who has Lost his Parents and Is All Alone in the World
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
La Ultima Nota Triste Cancion
The Last Note Sad Song
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Verso is: El Angel De Mis Amores La Virgencita
Angel Of My Loves The Little Virgin
La Ultima Nota Triste Cancion
The Last Note Sad Song
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1912.
Verso is: El Angel de mis Amores La Virgencita
Angel Of My Loves The Little Virgin
Lamentos Que Dirige Un Huerfano Ya Desvalido Al Encontrarse en el Mundo Sin el Dulce Abrigo de sus Queridos Padres
Lament Uttered by a Disconsolate Orphan Upon Finding Himself in This World Without the Sweet Protection of His Beloved Parents
Broadside, engraving & wood cut
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Verso is: Amor Maternal
Maternal Love
Llanto Triste y Lamentable de Una Pobre Huerfanita
Sad And Lamentable Weeping of a Poor Little Orphan Girl
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
Llanto Triste y Lamentable De Una Pobre Huerfanita
Sad and Lamentable Weeping of a Poor Little Orphan Girl
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1907.
Continued verso
Llanto Triste y Lamentable de una Pobre Huerfanita
Sad and Lamentable Weeping of a Poor Little Orphan Girl
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1906.
Continued verso
Reciente Pleito De Casados
Recent Complaint of the Married Couple
Broadside, engraving
8x12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
!!Adios, Adios!! El Ultimo Corrido de la Despedida de Chonforo Vico
Goodbye, Goodbye! The Last Ballad of Chonforo Vico's Farewell
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso - !Catastrofe! wood engraving
La Mujer de Cien Maridos Como Alfileres Prendidos
The Woman of a Hundred Husbands Like Stuck Pins
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Continued verso, etching
El Baile de los 12 Aprehension de Hombres Vestidos de Mujeres El Pueblo Les Silba y Apedrea
The Dance of the 12 Apprehension of Men, Dressed as Women The Town Jeers and Stones Them
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Continued verso
Dialogo Divertido entre Mujer y Marido
Entertaining Dialogue between Wife and Husband
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso
Versos del Temblor del 26 de Marzo de 1908
Dicen Que No. Cancion Moderna
Verses on the Earthquake of March 26, 1908
They Say No. Modern Song
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1908.
Continued verso
Amor Cuando Muere
When Love Dies
Te Amo En Secreto
I Love You Secretly
El Zapateado o Jarabe Tapatio
The Zapateado or Tapatio Jarabe
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1918.
Manton de Manila
Manila Shawl
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1918.
El Corrido de Rosita
El Angel de mis Amores
La Pajarera
The Ballad of Rosita The Angel of my Loves The Bird Seller
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1918.
Mucha Mostaza Paso Doble
Much Mustard Two Step
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1918.
La Soldadera en el Cuartel. Nuevo Corrido
The Soldier's Girl at Headquarters. New Ballad
Broadside, photo mechanical
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1914.
Continued verso, etching
Ven Y Ven Come Come
El Balanceo
The Balancing Dance
Zaraza (a bullfighter)
Cielito Lindo Un Poco De Amor (Melodia)
Beautiful Heaven A Little Love (Melody)
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Cielito Lindo Un Poco De Amor. (Melodia)
Beautiful Heaven A Little Love. (Melody)
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Same as above but with varying printer's decorations.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Unas Lindas Mananitas a las Muchachas Bonitas. Segunda Parte.
Lovely Birthday Greetings for Pretty Girls. Second Part.
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1914.
Continued verso
La Tarde Muere
The Afternoon Dies
Unas Lindas Mananitas a las Muchachas Bonitas. Levantate, Mamacita, Que Ya Tu Amante Llego, Ya Cantan los Pajaritos. Ya La Luna Se Metio.
Lovely Birthday Greetings To The Pretty Girls Get Up Dear Girl, Your Lover Has Arrived, The Birds Are Singing. The Moon is Down.
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso, engraving
Unas Lindas Mananitas a las Muchachas Bonitas. Levantate Mamacita, Que Ya Tu Amante Llego, Ya Cantan Los Pajaritos. Ya La Luna Se Metio.
Lovely Birthday Greetings to the Pretty Girls Get Up Dear Girl, Your Lover Has Arrived, The Birds Are Singing. The Moon is Down.
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Continued verso
Unas Lindas Mananitas a las Muchachas Bonitas. Levantate, Mamacita, Que Ya Tu Amante Llego, Ya Cantan Los Pajaritos. Ya La Luna Se Metio.
Lovely Birthday Greetings to The Pretty Girls Get Up Dear Girl, Your Lover Has Arrived, The Birds Are Singing. The Moon is Down.
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso, engraving
Unas Lindas Mananitas a Las Muchachas Bonitas. Primera Parte Levantate, Mamacita, Que Ya Tu Amante Llego, Ya Cantan Los Pajaritos. Ya La Luna Se Metio.
Lovely Birthday Greetings to the Pretty Girls First Part Get Up Dear Girl, Your Lover has Arrived, The Birds Are Singing. The Moon is Down.
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Continued verso, etching
No Son Los Necios Cancion
Amalia Cancion
Mensajera! (Romanza)
It's Not the Jerks
Amalia Song
The Messenger (Romance)
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1920.
Flor De The
El Apasionado.
Tea Blossom
The Impassioned
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1919.
La Verbena Mexicana
The Mexican Feast
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1903.
Continued verso, etching
La Duda Vals
The Doubt Waltz
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1914.
Verso is: Jose Lisorio El Minero Por haber sido Mal Hijo Tubo (Tuvo) Un Fin Muy Doloroso Pues su Madre Lo Maldijo. Corridito del Borrego, etching
Jose Lisorio The Miner For Having Been a Bad Son He Had a Very Painful End Because his Mother Cursed Him.
Little Ballad of the Young Lamb
Nuevos Versos del Apasionado. Bonitos Versos del Apasionado Que Lo Hizo Guaje una Mujer
New Verses of the Passionate Man. Pretty Verses of the Passionate Who Was Fooled by a Woman
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Continued verso
La Decepcion The Deception
!Ah Que Chula Eres Pachita! Me Dan Ganas de Besarte Nomas No Quieras Platitas Porque Puedo Hasta Patearte y Te Iras Con Tu Nanita A Echar Pulcas A Otra Parte. Amigo, Yoy a contarte Lo Que Me Paso En Morelia Que Ya Me Corrio Silveria A Echar Pulgas A Otra Parte.
Oh, Pachita you are so good looking! I feel like kissing you! You better not want money, for I can even kick you out. And you can take your sweet talk elsewhere to toss fleas. Friend, I'm going to tell you what happened to me in Morelia. Silverio ran me off to toss fleas elsewhere.
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1906.
Continued verso
Corrido Jarocho Mirada de Amor
Insolent Ballad Gaze of Love
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1918.
Maria La Traidora
El Amor Cuando Nace (Valse)
Sol Mio (Danza)
Maria the Treacherous
When Love is Born (Waltz)
My Sun (Dance)
Broadside, etching
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1916.
El Novio de Mil Mujeres Les Da Dinero y Placeres
The Lover of a Thousand Women Gives Them Money ad Pleasure
Broadside, engraving
12x8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
The Little House Dance.
Coplas de Don Simon
Couplets of Don Simon
Broadside, engraving
12x16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1910.
Verso is: Consecuencias de la Crisis del Amor
Consequences of the Crisis of Love
Despues Del Baile Wals (sic)
After The Ball Waltz
Broadside, engraving
12x16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Continued verso: engraving and etching
Horas De Luto
Hours of Mourning
Tango Del Morrongo
The Cat Tango
Los Nuevos Versos de Carlos Coronada
The New Verses of Carlos Coronada
Broadside, etching
Continued verso: Hojas de un Arbol
The Leaves of a Tree
Gran Alarma Escandaloso que se Vio alla por Chihuahua aloir los Tristes Lamentos de un Patito con Teresa que no Llena su Barrica por Causa de la Pobreza
Grand Scandalous Alarming Condition seen in Chihuahua upon Hearing the Sad Laments of Little Duck Talking to Teresa of his Empty Belly Caused by Poverty
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N. D.
Signed: Posada
Continued verso
Pronunciamiento de Leones contra Gatos y Ratones
Pronouncement of Leon's against Cats and Rats
Broadside, engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N. D.
Continued verso
Same as above but with varying printer's decorations and with additional Verse on verso: Indiferencia.
Same as above but with varying printer's decorations and color.
La Perra Brava Corrido
The Ballad of the Mad Dog
Broadside, engraving
Verso: Valgame Dios...Las Vindas!
Dear God, the Widows!
Triste y Divertido Despedimento del Reloj de Catedral de Mexico
Sad and Entertaining Farewell of the Cathedral Clock of Mexico City
Broadside, etching
Verso: Saludo de los Nuevos Tostones en la Republica Mexicana
Arrival of the New Silver Coins in the Republic of Mexico
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1905
Las Luces de los Angeles Coro de Gendarmes
The Stars of the Angels Chorus of Police
Leaflet, etching
8 x 12 in.
Fin del Siglo XIX Corrido Cantado en Memoria de la Inauguracion de la Penitenciaria de Mexico, Septiembre de 1900
The End of the 19th Century Ballad Sung in Memory of the Inauguration of the Penitentiary of Mexico, September, 1900
Leaflet, etching
8 x 12 in.
Mexico: Antonio Venegas Arroyo, N. D.
Lamentos Muy Lastimeros que Exhalan den Hondos Gritos los Senores Cantineros y los Pobres Borrachitos
Very Mournful Lamentations that the Canteen Owners and the Poor Drunkards Poured Out in Dee[ Shouts
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N. D.
Verso: El Ratoncito (de la Zarzuela Ensenanza Libre
The Little Rat (from the Musical Free Teaching)
La Noche Serena
Serene Nigh
Leaflet, engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Pleito de Casados que Siempre estan Enojados
Complaint of the Married Couple who were Always Angry
Broadside, engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1907
Pleito de la Sugra con su Yerno
Complaint of the Mother-in-law against her son-in-law
Broadside, engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo,1911.
Same as above, but with varying printer's decorations and with imprint date: 1912.
Corrido del Diestro Banderillero Antonio Soriano (a) Maera Chico
Ballad of the Skilled Banderrillero Antonio Soriano, also known as Maera Chico
Broadside, etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1911.
Segunda Parte del Triste y Muy Doloroso Llanto Funebre
Second Part of the Sad and Mournful Funereal Weeping
Broadside, engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
Ha Llegado el Dia de Corpus de Mucho Borrasca en que Todos los Chamacos Piden para su Tarasca
The Dia de Corpus has Arrived and the Day of Many Storns, in which All the Chamacos Ask for their Tarasca
Broadside, etchings and engravings
12 x 16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N. D.
Verso: Una Tarasca de lo Mejor que en Santa Anita se Regalo
The Best Tarasca is Presented to Santa Anita
Engraving on verso signed: Posada.
El Tarascon de 1902
The Tarascon of 1902
Broadside, engraving
11 x 16 in.
Desventuras de Don Sisebuto en el Memorable Combate de las Flores
The Misadventures of Don Sisebuto in the Memorable Combate de Flores
Broadside, etching
12 x 16 in.
El Teatro, no. 4
Los Triunfos y Brindis de Ponciano Dias en Spain Honra al Valiente Ponciano el Gran Diestro Mexicano
The Victories and Toasts of Ponciano Diaz in Spain Honoring the Valient Ponciano, the Great Mexican Bullfighter
Broadside, etching
12 x 16 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N. D.
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