Cantos populares maderistas
no. 1.
La Entrada a C. Juarez Al Heroico Aquiles Serdan El S
sitio de Ojinaga Honor a Roque Estrada El Maderismo Triufante
Entering Juarez City
To the Heroic Aquiles Serdan The Siege of Ojinaga In Honor of Roque Estrada Triumphant Mederoism
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Venegas Arroyo, 1911
no. 1 [a]
Same as above except with varying printer's decorations and with photo engraving of Aquiles Serdan
no. 2.
Hasta la Tierra Temblo! A la Noble Jefe de la Seccion de la Cruz Blanca Srita. Elena Arizmendi Recuerdo Combate de Flores dedicado al Senor Madero
Even the Earth Shook To the Noble Head of the Section of the White Cross, Miss Elena Arizmendi Memory Battle of Flowers dedicated to Mr. Madero
Song sheet with etching and photographic etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Venegas Arroyo, 1911
no. 2 [a]
Same as above except printed on pink paper
El cancionero popular
no. 1 .
Al Publico Noche Perpetua El 5 de Mayo de 1862 Los Rurales La Casita (danza)
Dear Public Perpetual Night May 5th, 1862 The Soldiers The Little House
Somg sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Venegas Arroya, n. d.
no. 2.
Jesus Negrete, el tigre de Santa Julia. Nuevo Corrido El buen Tono La Gardenia
Jesus Negrete, the tiger of Santa Julia Buen Tono The gardenia
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Venegas Arroyo, 1909.
Signed: Posada
no. 3.
Tiburcia O La Estacion de Morelos (Nuevo corrido) A Bordo de un Bergatin La Decepcion El Prisionero Adios! Adios! La Semana mayor
Tiburcia, or The Morelos Station Aboard a Brigantine The deception The Prisoner Farewell! Farewell! The Major Week
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, n.d.
no. 4.
Muerte del banderillero El Juramento Despedida La Gaviota
Death of the Banderillero The Oath Farewell The Gull
Song sheet with engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, n.d.
no. 5.
Amor cuando Muere Gaona se Mere y No La Palma
When Love Dies Gaona Dies, but no The Palm
Song sheet with engraving
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1909.
Signed: Posada
no. 6.
Revistas y Corralista: Nuevo Corrido de Actualidad Decepcion de Amor El Alba La Joven Tus Ojos La Diadema
Of Reyes and Corral: Today's New Ballad Love Deceived The Dawn The Young Girl Your Eyes The Diadem
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1909
no. 7.
Wals: Cuando el Amor Renace Los Temblores Dicen que no
Waltz: When love is reborn The earthquake They say no
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1909
no. 8
La Cajita: Danza Modernita La Gatita Blanca Cancion a Luz El Zenzontle
The Little Box: Modern Little Dance The White Kitten Song for Luz The Magpie
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1909
no. 9
La desterrados a la Isla de Cayo adelante de Tres Marias: Bonito Corrido Las Cabanas La Despedida Lindas Poblanas El Padre Francisco
Exile to the Island of Cayo Hueso near the Three Marias; Pretty Little Ballad The Cabanas The Farewell Beautiful Girls Father Francisco
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, n.d.
no. 1 1.
El Nuevo Vorrido Patriotico Presidencial Diaz y Taft La Pulga La Maquinista del Amor The Flea The Engineer of Love
The New Patriotic Presidential Ballad Diaz and Taft
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, n.d.
no. 1 2.
Sobre las Olas: Gran Wals Tango de La Cacerola Couples del Negro Domingo
Over the waves Cancerola tango Couplets of Black Domingo
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, n.d.
no. 1 4.
El Serape Nacional El 23 de Infanteria Cancion de los Fantasmas de Loreto Piropos del Metodo Gobritz Couplets de la Regadera
The national serape The 23rd Indantry Song of the Ghosts of Loreto Flowery Expressions of the Gobritz Method Couplets of the Sprinkler
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1912.
no. 1 7.
El Destierro Recuerdos y Despedida Nuevos Couplets de la Zarzuela La Sultana
The Exile Regards and Farewell New Zarzuela Couplets The Sultana
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1910.
no. 1 8.
Cancion del Pulquero Tus Negros Ojos La Ninfa Hechicera Un Cuento La Muneca
The Pulque Drinker's Song Your Black Eyes The Bewitching Nymph A Story The Doll
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1910.
Signed: Posada
no. 20.
La Corte de Faraon Consejos de las Viudas Nuevos Couplets La Geisha
Pharoah's Court The Widows' Advice New Couplets The Geisha
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, n.d.
no. 21.
El Encanto de un Vals
The Enchantment of a Waltz
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, n.d.
no. 22.
Nuevos Couples dal Chumbale y de los Chichicuilotes de la Zarzuela Entre la Ondas Amor por Amor Las Blancas Torras de la Capilla
New Couplets of Chumbale and of Chichicuilotes from the Zarzuela Between the waves Love for Love The White Towers of the Chapel
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroya, 1911.
no. 25.
La Jota Navarra Nuevos Couplets Canto de Amor Semana de Aviacion El Valecito
The Navarra Jota New Couplets Song of Love Aviation Week The Buddy
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroya, 1911.
no. 26.
El Caballero Zancarron Sobre las Olas Tu y Yo de los Dos
The Skinny Old Man Over the Waves You and I and the Other Two
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroya, 1911.
no. 26a
Same as above except color, varying printer's decorations, and imprint date: 1913.
no. 28
Recuerdo a Urupam Te Vi y Te Ame Celebre Danzon de Maestro Babuco Los Pollos El Merengue
Remembrance to Urupam I Saw You and I Loved You Celebrated Dance of Maestro Babuco The Young Cocks The Merengue
Song sheet with etching
12 x 8 in.
Publisher and date not given.
Canciones Modernas.
Mi Hombre Nueva Coleccion de Canciones para el Presente Ano
My Man New Collection of Songs for the Present Year
Pamphlet cover, etching
6 x 8 in.
"Num. 3"
Front and back cover signed: Posada.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N. D.
Cantares Oaxaquenos Nueva Coleccion de Canciones Modernas para 1898
Oaxaquen Songs New Collection of Songs for 1898
Pamphlet cover, engraving
6 x 8 in.
Signed: Posada
Cuaderno no. 2
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroya, 1898.
Coleccion No. 44 Canciones Modernas para 1898 Los Parranderos
Collection no. 44. Modern Songs for 1898 The Wandering Songsters
Pamphlet cover, engraving
6 x 8 in.
Signed: Posada
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1898.
La Macetita No. 5 de la Nueva Coleccion de Canciones para 1901
The Little Flower Pot No. 5 of the New Collection of Songs for 1901
Pamphlet cover, engraving
6 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1901.
La Paloma Azul Coleccion de Canciones Modernas para 1901
The Blue Dove Collection of Songs for 1901
Pamphlet cover, engraving
6 x 8 in.
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1901.
Olas que Arrastran el Viento Coleccion de Canciones para 1901
Waves that Drag the Wind Collection of Songs for 1901
Pamphlet cover, engraving
6 x 8 in.
"No 49"
Signed: Posada
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1901.
La Rumba Coleccion de Canciones Modernas para el Presente Ano 1903
The Rumba Collection of Modern Songs for the Present Year 1903
Pamphlet cover, engraving
Signed: Posada
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1903.
El 23 de Infanteria Segunda Coleccion de Canciones Modernas para el Ano de 1912
The 23d Infantry Second Collection of Modern Songs for the Year 1912
6 x 8 in.
Pamphlet cover, etching
Signed: Posada
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroya, 1912
Las Lindas Mexicanas Nuevo Coleccion de Canciones Modernas para el Presente Ano
The Beautiful Mexican Women New Collection of Modern Songs for the Current Year
Pamphlet cover, etching
6 x 8 in.
Signed: Posada
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N. D.
Verso: Te Amo en Secreto I Love You Secretly
El Sarape Nacional Moderna Coleccion de Canciones para el Presente Ano
The National Serape Modern Collection of Songs for the Current Year
Pamphlet cover, etching
6 x 8 in.
Signed: Posada
Verso: A Maria la del Cielo To Mary in Heaven
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo
El Pagare Colecction de Canciones Modernas para el Presente Ano
The I.O.U. Collection of Modern Songs for the Present Year
Pamphlet cover, etching
6 x 8 in.
Signed: Posada
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N.D.
El Folklore Nacional Selecta Coleccion de Canciones Modernas para el Presente Ano
National Folklore Selected Collection of Modern Songs for the Present Year
Pamphlet cover, etching
6 x 8 in.
Front cover: " A. Najera, dib."
Design on back cover signed: Posada.
"Cuaderno no. 2"
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N. D.
El Folklore Nacional Selecto Coleccion de Canciones Modernas para el Presente Ano
The National Folklore Selected Collection of Modern Songs for the Present Year
Pamphlet cover, etching
6 x 8 in.
Front cover: "A. Najera, dib."
Back cover signed: Posada.
"Cuaderno no. 5."
Mexico: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, N. D.
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