All of these microform collections are housed in the Government Documents Collection. Microfiche and microprint reader/printer/scanners are available on the first floor of Hamilton Library in the microforms room. Staff is available to help users with the equipment.
CIS presidential executive orders and proclamations (1789-1983) Executive orders and proclamations are issued by the President and carry the force of law. They are indexed in a printed index, where you can search by subject, date, or number.
CIS microfiche library (1970-1985) Contains all of the published Congressional committee hearings, prints, documents, reports and public laws produced during each session of Congress. To locate documents, use the ProQuest Congressional database, or use the printed CIS/Index. Microfiche are arranged by year and accession number.
CIS unpublished congressional committee hearings: House of Representatives (1833-1946) and Senate (1823-1968). As the name implies, these microfiche contain congressional committee hearings that have not been published. They were reproduced from the U.S. Senate Library and are indexed in ProQuest Congressional, or you may use the printed indexes (House) (Senate). The Government Documents Collection does not own all of the hearings listed in the indexes.
CIS U.S. congressional committee hearings microfiche (1869-1969) contain congressional hearings reproduced from the U.S. Senate Library. Individual records for each hearing are available in OneSearch. They are also indexed in ProQuest Congressional, or you may use the printed indexes. The Government Documents Collection does not own all of the hearings listed in the indexes.
CIS U.S. congressional committee prints (1911-1969) were reproduced from copies in the U.S. Senate Library and from selected House and Senate committees. Committee prints are special reports requested by congressional committees. They are indexed in ProQuest Congressional, or you may use the printed indexes.
FAO documentation (1975-1996) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations documents on microfiche. The documents are indexed in the AGRIS database. Refer to this guide for more information about locating the fiche.
Non-decennial census publications (1820-1967) provides copies of Census Bureau publications that were not part of decennial census reports. The microfiche are indexed in Bureau of the Census catalog of publications, 1790-1972. Use Cross reference index from the Greenwood Press microform collection of nondecennial census publications, 1946-1967, to the Bureau of Census, Catalog of publications, 1946-1972 to locate the documents within the microfiche set.
CIS 1970 Decennial Census contains all of the reports issued by the Bureau of the Census for the 1970 decennial census, including maps and block reports. There is a printed finding aid.
Transdex index (1974-1996) Index to Joint Publications Research Service publications that provide translations of foreign radio broadcasts. Refer to Middlebury College's guide for more information about using the index and what it covers.
United Nations documents on microfiche (1946-2004) The AccessUN database formerly indexed the documents on this set. Now that the database has been discontinued, researchers must use the United Nations Documents Index, UN Digital Library, or the Index to Proceedings to find the document symbol. Fiche are arranged by year and document symbol. Periodicals are filed by year, alphabetically by title.
U.S. Executive branch documents microfiche, 1910-1932 Microform copies of documents produced by executive branch agencies that are not in the U.S. Congressional serial set. Individual records for monographs are available in OneSearch, but there are no records for serials or individual issues of monographic series. You can also use the printed index to search for documents by subject, agency, or Superintendent of Documents classification number.
United States Government publications, non-depository (1953-1980) Microprint copies of federal publications not distributed through the Federal Depository Library Program. Documents are arranged by Monthly Catalog of Government Publications entry number, so using the catalog is essential to find documents in this set.
The William S. Richardson School of Law Library has additional microform sets containing documents not available in Hamilton Library.