Birth, Marriage, Death Records
FamilySearch | Hawaiʻi State Archives | Hawaiʻi State Library | Hamilton Library
Created by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is an online database filled with indexes to and images of government vital records such as birth, marriage, and death records. They have microfilmed many internal indexes of vital records from the Hawaiʻi Department of Health. Many of these indexes are now partially available online and grouped into the following collections below. Sometimes an image of a record is available online. If you find an index entry for a vital record, you will need to submit a request with the Department of Health to purchase the record or you may be able to get the record when you visit a FamilySearch Center (here are the locations in Hawaiʻi).
Hawaiʻi State Archives
Use the Vital Statistics Collection (finding aid) to find vital records at the Hawaiʻi State Archives. That collection contains reports of vital statistics and other records . Many of these records were microfilmed and the microfilms are available online now through the Hawaiʻi State Archive's Digital Archives where you can access the microfilms of scanned vital records. Although vital statistics were required by law, the statistics were under reported, making this collection—especially the early years— incomplete. If you are having difficulty finding records in this collection, review the finding aid (linked above) and consult with the Hawaiʻi State Archives.
Outside of the Vital Statistics Collection, check the Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes at Ulukau, the Hawaiian Electronic Library. These indexes cover marriages, divorce court records, deaths probate and will court records, and citizenship records. If you find any indexed entry that does not have a digital copy of the record linked to it, you will need to check the Hawaiʻi State Archive's Digital Archives to see if they digitized the record. If you are unable to find the digitized record online, consult with the Hawaiʻi State Archives.
Additionally, the Hawaiʻi State Archives has an Index to notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the newspapers prior to 1950. This is partial index of notices published in Pacific Commercial Advertiser, Honolulu Advertiser, Friend, Hawaiian Gazette, Independent, Ka Hae Hawaii, Polynesian, and Honolulu Star-Bulletin This index was originally a card index, has been microfilmed, and is partially searchable online via FamilySearch (Search Online but only births).
Hawaiʻi State Library Main Branch
In the Hawaiʻi State Library's Main Branch Hawaiʻi and Pacific Collection, there are a number of indexes in print and on microfilm of records held at the Hawaiʻi State Archives and the Department of Health. Some of these indexes are searchable in All will be searchable in the FamilySearch centers.
UHM Hamilton Library
The only items the Hawaiian Collection has are copies of indexes from the Hawaiʻi State Archives and the Department of Health. These items are partially searchable online and some are available online in its entirety.
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