Hawaiian Genealogies
Unpublished Genealogies | Genealogies in Publications | Genealogies of Hawaiian Royalty | Genealogies by Island
Unpublished Genealogies
The Hawaiʻi State Archives has a number of Hawaiian genealogy books in their manuscripts collection that available online in their new Digital Archives of Hawaiʻi website. For more information visit their Genealogy Book Index finding aid and the browse the digitized Genealogy Book microfilms.
Important note and update: There is a new project to transcribe the Hawaiian genealogy books. The project is called "Moʻopono - Hawaiian Ancestry Project," and the link to access the searchable books is here: https://hawaiianancestry.
Genealogies in Publications
Below are various publications the UHM's Hawaiian Collection has that contains Hawaiian genealogies. If you click on any of the items below, you will be taken to the item's library record in OneSearch.
Genealogies of Hawaiian Royalty
Genealogies by Island
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