Immigration, Citizenship
Background Info | Hawaiʻi State Archives | U.S. National Archives | Hamilton Library
Background Info
Immigration records to Hawaiʻi from 1842 to June 1900 are at the Hawaiʻi State Archives and are findable using their online digital collections listed below. Citizenship records prior 1900 are also at the Hawaiʻi State Archives and some are searchable through Ulukau's genealogy indexes. Hamilton Library has microfilm copies of a few of those records. After 1900, immigration and citizenship records including those for Koreans, Okinawans, Russians, Spanish, Puerto Ricans, and later groups of Portuguese, Japanese, and Chinese are with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service and are available through the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
Hawaiʻi State Archives
The Passenger Manifests 1843-1900 collection indexes information from the original passenger lists that are part of the Collector General of Custom records. The ethnic groups indexed included: Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, and Miscellaneous Ethnic which lists only paying passengers and is divided into two parts, 1843-1879 and 1880-1900. Information on the card includes name of passenger, name of ship, date of arrival or departure, port of entry or departure. Some entries include age of passenger, occupation, nationality, and accompanying family members.
U.S. National Archives
From 1900 to today, immigration records are located at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). These records include immigration records, naturalization records, visa records, alien files, enemy alien records and passport records. Many of these records are available on microfilm and online through or Detailed information about these records and how to find them is on the Immigrant Records webpage of NARA. Below are a few links of popular records they have made available online.
Hamilton Library
The items we have are copies of indexes from the Hawaiʻi State Archives and original records from those who came to Hawaiʻi as plantation laborers.
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