Other Directories
Almanacs | Biographical Dictionaries | Cemeteries | Educators | General | Government | Social
Published annually between 1875-1974. Includes detailed annual listings of government officials, and officers of business and charitable associations, and civic and social clubs. Also includes editors of publications and church leaders. Name index for 1875-1932 and general index for 1875-1932 kept with print copies.
Biographical Dictionaries
Biographical dictionaries provide brief biographical sketches of selected people, sometimes including names of spouses, children, parents and other family members. Some will include pictures of the individual(s).
Cemeteries are a great place to find your ancestor's birth and death date. Inscriptions on graves will generally include: birth and death dates, relationship and other information. UHMʻs Hawaiian Collection has all the directories available in print. If you cannot get to the Hawaiian Collection, you can search online using these websites, Find A Grave or the Tombstone Transcription Project, Hawaii (not comprehensive).
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