Background Info
Court records started to become available from 1842. Popular court records for genealogy research are located at the Hawaiʻi State Archives and the Circuit Courts. Genealogy records are commonly found in the circuit court records because those courts are the trial courts that have general jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases and exclusive jurisdiction over probate, guardianship and criminal felony cases. The circuit courts are divided into 5 courts.
Probate records, such as wills, likely have the most genealogy information. These cases could have been filed with the court many years after the death of family member, so the date of filing does not always correspond to the date of death. Sometimes, residents of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Circuits filed probates in the 1st Circuit. Genealogical information may be found in other types of cases, such as Civil, Law, and Equity (which may include disputes over land titles) and Divorce.
Hawaiʻi State Archives
To locate historic court records, begin with the indexes and online collections linked below of records and indexes from the Hawaiʻi State Archives. UH Manoaʻs Hawaiian Collection also has these indexes available in print. Once you find a court case you want from those indexes, you will then need to then go to the Hawaiʻi State Archives or Circuit Courts for the case files and minutes. For more contemporary court cases, begin with the Hawaiʻi court online databases eCourt Kokua and Hoʻohiki.
With a Hawaiʻi State Public Library (HSPL) card, use the library edition of (only available in-branch) and search for family in the collection Hawaii, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1822-1962. You can also search indexes via Ulukau and browse for records online via the Hawaiʻi State Archives Digital Archives.
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